Biblical Leadership: Leaders Born, Made or Called?דוגמה

Biblical Leadership: Leaders Born, Made or Called?

יום 2 מתוך 6

2. How are Leaders Raised Up?

In the last reading, we concluded that people are born with some leadership skills, as gifted to them by God, but then they also develop those skills and “raised up” to be effective leaders.

To learn more, let’s check the example of Moses and see how he was “raised up” by God for his purposes.

In Moses’ case, God arranged it so that he was adopted into Pharaoh’s household and schooled as a royal son. Moses was therefore fully indoctrinated into the ways of the Egyptians and their government that would be helpful later as he went back to liberate the people of Israel.

Throughout the Bible, leaders are “raised up” in various ways… mentorship, experiences, and by God Himself.

Joshua was mentored by Moses for 40+ years from before the Israelites even started wandering in the wilderness:

Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses’ aide since youth…   – Numbers 11:28

David came to work for King Saul from his teenage years, even before he killed the giant Goliath: 

David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers.  – 1 Samuel 16:21

Also, it was not only Saul who taught David but also God Himself:

Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds. – Psalm 71:17

Similarly, the disciples were taught for three years by Jesus, and the Apostle Paul was schooled in the synagogues from his childhood.

Of course, the same “raising up” of leadership talent takes place today. You may have a mentor at work or elsewhere, you might follow a program of study, read professional and inspirational literature, and more.

It all seems to be pretty much the same as in biblical times except God doesn’t appear to us as He did to Moses and others.  Or does He?

In these days, we have been given the Holy Spirit, something not available in Old Testament times:

In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people… both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days.  – Acts 2:17-18

The pouring out of the Holy Spirit is exactly what enabled the Apostle Peter, an uneducated fisherman from Galilee, to speak with boldness and eloquence to the ruling council as leader of the new church:

Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them… .
When they [the ruling council] saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished. – Acts 4:8, 13

Peter was “raised up” from humble backcountry fisherman to leader of the new church. In the same way, you can also be “raised up” with the help of God’s Spirit, to fulfill His purpose in your life, whatever that may be. 

Which begs the questions: what purpose does God have for you in your leadership, and what are you doing to “raise up” your leadership abilities to meet those purposes?

Big questions... and exactly what we will dig into in the readings ahead.


Reflection / Application

  1. Do you have a mentor? If not, why not? There’s plenty of experienced Christians out there willing to share. All you need to do is ask! 
  2. If you do have a mentor, how is that helping you? Are you successful in reaching the leadership goals you identify?
  3. In addition to a mentor, experience and education are important components for “raising up” your leadership skills as well. This doesn’t stop at graduation, so how are you “raising up” your leadership skills these days?
יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Biblical Leadership: Leaders Born, Made or Called?

There’s plenty of discussion about whether a person is a natural-born leader, made that way by experience, or some combination of both. In these readings, we look at ordinary people in the Bible became God’s leaders. We also look at how God may be calling you today and how to respond, especially in light of our capabilities, limitations and environment.
