My Comfort Is Jesusדוגמה

My Comfort Is Jesus

יום 4 מתוך 7

The Storms of Life

Life is filled with sudden, frightening storms that appear out of nowhere. We call them problems. Some are big, and some are small. Some days our problems are a distant rolling thunder, and we are able to handle them. Other days, we feel as if lightning has suddenly struck us, or we feel so overcome by some seemingly insurmountable problem that we believe we are drowning in a flash flood.

These problems can appear in the form of a nagging pain with which we learn to live or the sudden death of a loved one. It is, therefore, essential that you and I build our houses on the solid rock of Jesus’ teachings. This is more than an intellectual acceptance of his words. It is an implicit trust in Jesus and his immutable promises that Scripture says are both sure and steadfast. If we trust in the living Savior and obey his Word, we have his personal assurance that we will not fall. He will uphold us, and there’s no higher authority. We may shake and rattle, but we will not fall.

Father, as I lay down to sleep this night, I rest in your promises and enjoy great peace because of them.

יום 3יום 5

על התכנית הזו

My Comfort Is Jesus

Jesus is more than a role model or powerful historical figure. He is our hope and our joy. Our rock and our crown. In this plan, best-selling author Ray Comfort shares devotions from My Comfort Is Jesus to help you commit your day to the light of the world.
