Redeemed Is Your Name!דוגמה

Redeemed Is Your Name!

יום 5 מתוך 5

Grafted Into the King's Family

Boaz married Ruth. To their delight, they subsequently had a son whom Naomi cared for. In Ruth 4:14, NLT, the townswomen summed up the love story’s happy ending in declaring, “Praise the LORD, who has now provided a redeemer for your family!”

What foreshadowing! Matthew 1:5-6, TPT shares, “...Boaz and Ruth had a son named Obed, who was the father of Jesse, and Jesse had a son named David, who became the king”. Amazing as this is, there’s more. Eleven verses later, the same chapter of Matthew records, “… and from David to the Babylonian captivity, fourteen generations, and from the Babylonian captivity to Christ, fourteen generations.”

How amazing God would choose a formerly widowed Moabite refugee to become a great grandmother of King David and an ancestor of the King of Kings! This King of Kings is Jesus Christ who sacrificed His life to redeem all from the bondage of sin, enabling their reconciliation to God as adopted children.

Though Boaz’s riches redeemed Naomi and Ruth from poverty, riches were insufficient to pay the price for mankind’s sins. Only the precious, priceless blood of Jesus Christ could redeem King David, Jesse, Obed, Boaz, Ruth, Naomi, Elimelech, Mahlon, Kilion, Orpah, and all mankind.

Acceptance of redemption confers on one the name of “redeemed”. Ruth’s acceptance of Boaz’s redemption engrafted her into the Messianic line. Similarly, we have the opportunity to accept Jesus Christ’s redemption, which engrafts us into God’s family as His children and brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ.

Beloved child, God loves you! Instead of seeing difficult times as reasons to doubt God’s love, I encourage you to see them as faith adventures. Your faith in God connects you to His sovereign power. No thing and no one can separate you from God’s love.

Please take your place in the greatest love story of all time. Accept the completed work of your Redeemer. Claim your name. Redeemed Is Your Name!

Congratulations on completing this plan! This plan is based on Dr. Stephanie L. Foster’s upcoming book, Take Your Place. Please visit her website for her books and offerings.

יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Redeemed Is Your Name!

Beloved Child of God, what do you do when loss ambushes your life? Are you tempted to believe its defiant taunts? Ruth, former widow, and refugee turned great grandmother of King David, understands what it is like to walk through and overcome gut-wrenching seasons of change and loss. Let God’s grace, seen in Ruth’s life story, encourage you. You are not forsaken. Your Redeemer loves you. Redeemed Is Your Name!
