

יום 1 מתוך 4

Run with it!

In everything we do, God desires for us to “Flourish.” To flourish is to grow or develop healthily or vigorously, especially as the result of a particularly congenial environment. But growth is never just an outcome of our external circumstances. It must come intentionally from a maturing that happens on the inside. It is a result of a life rooted and planted in the principles of God and His word. We mature in our walk with God when we begin to align ourselves with God’s vision for us. As we do that, we also align ourselves to God’s word, our true identity and God-given potential, and the community. Our vertical alignment reflects our horizontal alignments. We begin to actively seek out spaces and opportunities to discern God’s plan and purposes for us. This pursuit of right standing with God leads to growth, multiplication, and abundant life.  

A significant indicator of true spiritual growth is a longing for God’s presence; a need to allow the word of God to not just emotionally stir us up, but to radically transform us. We must allow God to lay the foundation of His word in our lives and let our achievements be firmly established on the person of Jesus Christ. As we aim high to flourish and grow, we must take the responsibility to dive deep into the knowledge and understanding of God and His word! Not holding on to a religious facade but developing an authentic reflection of the stronger inner person Christ is building in us through the Holy Spirit. In the next few days, we will dive deeper into this promise of flourishing and find out how we can ensure not to miss it.


What are some areas in your life that you need to bring into alignment with God’s vision?

Are we seeking God’s word for more than just an emotional stirring from time to time? 

Take Home Message

Let’s go deep as we aim high

יום 2

על התכנית הזו


God wants you and me to flourish and not merely exist. Although “flourishing” means to grow and develop in a favorable environment, the biblical context of this verb is more correctly interpretable as “Shalom,” a right relationship with God and each other. We are called to thrive even in harsh life-situations and overcome “vision-killers” that may stunt our growth. Let’s explore what this promise means in God’s word.
