Vibrant: A Life of Callingדוגמה

Vibrant: A Life of Calling

יום 3 מתוך 5

It’s difficult for me to imagine the murderer that Paul was before he met Christ on the road to Damascus. Known as Saul prior to that conversion experience, he persecuted the disciples of Jesus and threw them into prison. The Bible recounts the fact that the very reason Paul lived, at one point was to kill another Christian. The very air that he breathed fueled his hatred against those who believed in the resurrected Christ. Paul knew that if he could change due to the power of Christ, then anyone could change! 

As a prisoner in Rome, Paul wrote his letter of encouragement specifically to the Ephesians. Paul chose to rise above his human chains and determined to be chained to a more powerful and real prison than any earthly confinement. Paul lived in a prison of absolute freedom!

Paul knew that although the Roman prison might have the power to impede his earthly movement, in being chained to Christ Jesus, he was set free to be the person who he was eternally called to be. Paul experienced more freedom in prison than he had when walking the streets of Rome or Jerusalem. Paul lived for the prison of serving Christ wholeheartedly all the days of his life.

Paul was assured of one overriding blessing from living a Christian life: if you are free in Christ, there is no prison that can hold you back from your destiny!

This is a conundrum, isn’t it? What a lovely and hopeful contradiction in terms! My prison frees me to serve Christ with my whole heart.

Our chief goal this side of heaven should be to live our lives in a way that honors the Father. Paul and the Holy Spirit are pleading with believers to order our days in a way that brings glory to God. We are urged to treat people in such an encouraging manner that it makes the Father’s heart happy. Every word that we speak should be a word of kindness and compassion to those in our lives.

We are the Father’s representatives on earth and our calling is to represent Him well. We are His ambassadors of hope, joy, and love. People are watching our lives to see Christ in us, the hope of glory. 

כתבי הקודש

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Vibrant: A Life of Calling

Paul, a liberated prisoner of the Lord, begged the church at Ephesus “to walk in a manner worthy of the calling.” We are the Father’s representatives on earth and our calling is to represent Him well. As you strive to live a vibrant life or an abundant life, you become more certain of His calling and choosing of you.
