Lessons From Ruthדוגמה

Lessons From Ruth

יום 4 מתוך 5

We read that Naomi had given Ruth permission to go and glean in Boaz’s field. One day as she was faithfully working, Boaz noticed her. He inquired about her and listened as his servants shared why she was there and what she had been doing. I imagine this pulled on Boaz's heartstrings to see a woman who had suffered much by way of grief leave her hometown and family, now out in the fields, laboring as a man would. Boaz approached Ruth and told her not to glean in another field but to abide in his land. He had charged his servants to watch over her and to make sure she had everything she needed as she worked. Providence always follows loyalty. I believe that God led Ruth to that field because of His ultimate plan of redemption for her life. 

It is so important that we remain loyal to God and the task at hand no matter what our outward circumstances appear to be. We see this clearly in the life of Joseph. He was sold unfairly into slavery because of His brothers’ jealousy. He was then falsely accused of sexual misconduct and tossed into prison. In each instance, Joseph found favor, both with God and man, because He entrusted God with his life. As you read Genesis 37-50, you will see a consistent theme in the text as it relates to Joseph. “But the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour...." 

You see, no matter how uncertain life may feel for you right now, one thing is certain: God's plans have not been thwarted. No matter what you face, if you keep the perspective that God is still in control and work as if you truly believe this, God will providentially lead you to the place He intended long before the trial came.

I remember wondering how God could work things out in my favor. Friends turned on me, my family dynamics changed, and life as I knew it was nothing like the picture and dream that I painted and hoped for years ago. Things weren't going the way "I" planned but God's plans were still at work. What I am learning is that we must trust the process of time and circumstances. When you are in the will of God, you can rest assured that His hands are on you. Even in the moments when circumstances in your life are beyond your control, remain loyal. God honors loyalty, faithfulness, and a pure heart. 

In all of your doings, work as unto the Lord and trust that your obedience and God's providence will collide. May your testimony be as the words Boaz shared with Ruth, "The Lord recompense (reward) thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.”

יום 3יום 5

על התכנית הזו

Lessons From Ruth

This devotional provides five practical lessons to apply to your life after heartbreak. If you have walked through a season similar to Ruth and Naomi, be encouraged. God is always working. In His sovereignty, He allows relationships to end, allows death, separation, and abandonment. But when we trust Him, even when we feel bitter and forsaken, God promises to work things together for our good.
