Gone Fishin'דוגמה

Gone Fishin'

יום 3 מתוך 4

My Best Man, Heathen Jay (His words)

I had sent an email to my friends about the meaning of Christmas and Jesus Christ and included my best man from 1965, Jay.

This was his response.

“Hi, Drake - Once again, here is my problem with religion and other similar mindsets: It is the allegiance to an ideal without question and the awful legacy of that mindset (dogmatic authority, burning people at the stake, etc.). It turns out that the opposite mindset has arrived on the scene recently called the scientific method which starts with an idea but then questions it like crazy, and has left just the opposite legacy (bettering the human condition with medicine and technology, etc.) Your religious mindset still dwarfs the scientific method mindset, but is thankfully slowly losing ground.
Heathen Jay

I waited for about a week to respond, my heart heavy. Jay lost his wife suddenly at the age of 44. Jay is a strong atheist and a renowned physicist leaning on scientific explanations for everything. We hadn't talked for five years.

“All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

This was my response to him.

“Hey Jay,

I feel terrible that we are so far apart on this. You're my friend and I have wonderful memories with you. You will always be my friend in my heart.

The crux of the matter rests on whether or not Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
If he did not rise from the dead, he is just another religious guy and millions of others are religious.

He is no different than any other religious leader.

However, if he did rise from the dead, now religion is dead and everything done in the name of religion is also dead.

There is a major difference between religion and a relationship with God, Jay, through a risen Jesus Christ. That relationship is why his disciples died. They saw him with scars on his hands and his feet and his side along with hundreds of others over a period Of 40 days. So they died for him when they were told they had to give up their faith.

I would do the same.

Anything I do in my life is for the glory of God, not for getting brownie points with God. Anything I do just for myself or to look good to others is a total waste of my time and a false lifestyle.

So is the evil that is done in the name of religion, which of course as I say again, is people doing things in the name of religion, not because they have a relationship with a risen Jesus.

Try to walk away from your anger toward a religion and consider simply looking at Jesus Christ himself Jay.

Because he promised that he would rise from the dead and then proved it by doing it, I do worship Him.

Consider that he is either a Liar, a Lunatic, or who he says he is, the Lord.
This morning I received this a clear historical summary explaining the verity of the resurrection . It reminded me that I hadn't responded to you yet. Perhaps it will be a starter for you to consider the claims of Jesus?

If Jesus is who he says he is, he is to be worshiped. If he isn't, we can do anything we want without feeling any guilt at all.

Always your friend, Drake

PS I know the author of the book Evidence that Demands a Verdict . I met him in 1966. It's a very thorough study and easy to read.”

I included a funny cartoon and a picture of our three grown kids with us.
Then I prayed, “Lord bring your angels into battle around Jay as the demons are going to feed him lies.”

This was his response much to my relief.

“Nice pics! Where are you? We are in AZ for the winter. You are always welcome. Nice that we are still friends in spite of our differences about religion. From what little I have read, I think I would have liked Jesus. He was a troublemaker for the right reasons. He was a good guy, but mortal in my boring scientific view of things.

Drake - Here are a couple of pics from my end: Daughter and grand-kids, and a wonderful new wife (married three years now).” Jay

I decided to call him right away and it turned out his cell number was still good. We had a 20-minute conversation. It was wonderful catching up but also covering things like he’s having trouble dealing with death, his immortality and the afterlife, trying to imagine there being nothingness. He’s wishing he could have faith as I do. His anger at losing his wife at such a young age and not having a target to aim his anger at.

I told him there's no way I could understand since I haven't lost a wife and shared about six people who have died on my street and what it was like. He wanted to know if I'd ever been there when somebody actually died. I told him I had.

“Lord God, open Jay’s heart to the truth of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Convince him he is a sinner in need of salvation Lord. Surround him with your angels and destroy all the lying demons who are confusing him. Give him an interest in reading the book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict.  Thank you for letting me be with my best man after all these years even if it is only by phone. In Jesus’s name amen.”

“It’s not denial. I’m just selective about the reality I accept.”—Bill Watterson, Calvin and Hobbes

Please say a prayer for Jay. 

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Gone Fishin'

Many people are smiling, but hurting inside. But, I have discovered that God is doing something in everyone's life. And, He's doing something in mine too! I'm loving/praying for strangers like never before. And they are grateful. These personal stories in my life are to help you help others move one step closer to God.
