Trusting God in the Stormדוגמה

Trusting God in the Storm

יום 4 מתוך 9

Trusting God in Trouble

Rahab must have felt vulnerable. Because prostitutes live with bottom-rung social standing, she probably anticipated that the Israelites outside Jericho wouldn’t treat her well if they overran the city. She worried over the prospect of a siege and storming of Jericho.

Without the benefit of walking the desert with Moses and Joshua, Rahab trusted what she knew of God. She told the Israelite spies that she and others’ “hearts melted in fear” of the “God in heaven above and on the earth below” (Joshua 2:11).

By trusting in God when she was in trouble, Rahab saved her family. Later her son Boaz continued the line of David that led to Jesus. She also gained admission to the Hebrews 11 hall of fame for people of faith.

You want to trust God with your troubles but it’s not easy. Rahab may have felt the same way, wondering if the spies she trusted would remember to keep their promise. She may have feared that the Israelites’ God was as capricious with lives as her neighbors’ gods. Yet she chose to trust Him despite any of her misgivings. How can you communicate to the “God in heaven above and on the earth below” that you’re trusting Him with today?

יום 3יום 5

על התכנית הזו

Trusting God in the Storm

When life hits like a tornado, where do we go? When we’re anxious about the future, to whom do we turn? Over thousands of years, God’s people have faced setbacks, even disasters. Their experiences show us ways we can respond and how our faith in God can remain intact—and maybe get even more real.
