Devotions Inspired by the Fresh Start Bibleדוגמה

Devotions Inspired by the Fresh Start Bible

יום 12 מתוך 21

Dive In

By Kyle Fox

Is this too good to be true?! Is it this easy? Is this the person I am supposed to approach? If I had been in Abraham’s servant’s shoes searching for Isaac’s wife, I would have asked the Lord many of these questions. But he had prayed for God to make his mission successful, and verse 15 tells us that he saw Rebekah approaching the well for water before he’d even finished praying. 

His assignment and the answer to his prayer was right in front of him, but doubt was almost his deterrent. How much time do I waste wondering, like the servant, whether or not I have heard the Lord? 

Have you ever asked the Lord for opportunities to reach people, then wondered whether or not you’re supposed to start a conversation with the person directly in front of you? I have. Sometimes ministry is simpler than we make it out to be. What if that nudge you feel to approach someone is the result of someone else praying for that person, paired with you asking the Lord for opportunities? What if the distance between a person and their breakthrough is the distance between you and that person? What if in that moment, God chose you to reach them? 

Abraham’s servant could have assumed Rebekah was at the well by chance. It’s easy to assume those around us at church, work, or school end up in our proximity by coincidence, but assumption is the enemy of connection. 

When presented with an opportunity, we have choices: doubt or dive in. Stay silent or speak up. Shrink back or step out. The same God who places the person in front of you is faithful to put the courage to act inside of you. And He will make your mission successful. 


Lord, thank You that You’ve put me on a mission to reach people. Give me boldness and confidence to speak to those around me and share Your love with them. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Memory Verse

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7–8 

יום 11יום 13

על התכנית הזו

Devotions Inspired by the Fresh Start Bible

God wrote the Bible for you. This devotional, inspired by Gateway Publishing's new Fresh Start Bible One-Year Reading Plan, is a 21-day journey through God's Word to get you started in a Bible-reading habit! Our prayer is that you let God's Word renew your mind this next year!
