The Luke Project Vol 1- The Gospel in Songדוגמה

The Luke Project Vol 1- The Gospel in Song

יום 10 מתוך 13

In My Father's House 2:39-52

We don’t know a lot about Jesus’s childhood. His first 12 years of life are summed up in verse 40, “The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.” This wisdom and grace of God on Jesus become very evident to Mary and Joseph in this story. It must have been an important turning point for them understanding their Son, since it’s the only childhood story Mary relays to Luke. 

The family travels to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover and they stay for the entire length of the celebration. They begin their journey back home, and when they’ve traveled a full day, they realize Jesus is not with them! The panic has set in, like it would for any parent. I wrote this song with their panic in mind, and mimicked a galloping tempo. 

First, Mary and Joseph search near their relatives and acquaintances. When they can’t find Him, they travel a full day back to Jerusalem. After 3 terrifying days of searching (foreshadowing much?!), they find Jesus in the temple talking with the teachers. Now the music shifts to a slower, half-time tempo as we contrast Jesus in this calm state.  Everyone who heard Him were amazed at how much He understood and the answers He gave.  

When Mary saw Jesus, she was amazed as everyone else was! She was coming down out of her panic mode. Mary, I’m sure feeling both relieved and still a little upset, asks Jesus, “Why have you treated us this way? We’ve been so worried, looking for you.” Jesus, cool and calmly replies, “Why were you looking for Me? Didn’t you know that I’d be in My Father’s house?” 

This statement went over Mary and Joesph’s heads. They knew Jesus was the Son of God, but the statement didn’t click that Jesus would be going about God’s business. I’m sure they were still overcome with emotions, having lost and finally found Jesus. 

Scripture says Mary treasured all these things in her heart. She may have missed the bigger picture, but did see Jesus was full of wisdom and even impressing the teachers as a little 12 year old. This may be why the story stuck out in her mind. 

After this, Jesus returns to Nazareth with His parents and continues to honor and obey them. Even as a child, Jesus was an example of how to obey God’s commands. He was the perfect sacrifice for our sins, living a life without a single sin (Hebrews 4:15). 

Thanks to Luke and the Holy Spirit, we have the story of Jesus preserved for us to follow. It’s there as encouragement and a guide, but it is not always easy to follow. That’s why we must constantly be in the scriptures and praying for the Holy Spirit to keep working on us. What do you see in yourself that doesn’t align with Jesus? I see several things clearly in myself. Father God, please change us to become more like Your Son. Open our eyes to the sin habits in our lives and help us turn away from them daily. Thank you for being patient with us! Amen. 

יום 9יום 11

על התכנית הזו

The Luke Project Vol 1- The Gospel in Song

Committing scripture to memory can be difficult. Singing along with a song isn’t. It’s with this idea, songwriter Kacey Walkingstick has written the Gospel of Luke into song, word for word. This study will focus on chapters 1-3 and cover the Christmas story. Read and hum along to the story of Jesus. You may have heard the Gospel, yet you’ve never heard it like this!
