Believe Become Be: Becoming the Man God Believes You Can Beדוגמה

Believe Become Be: Becoming the Man God Believes You Can Be

יום 4 מתוך 5

In the Matthew passage, what made these normal guys take such abrupt action? Did He exert some forcible spiritual power over them? No. These were Jewish men who had as young guys gone through the process of being evaluated by the rabbis. From childhood they had been taught the Torah. When they reached the proper age, a rabbi tested them on their ability to handle the Scripture. If they could repeat memorized passages properly, correctly talk about the context of various verses, and pass the difficult test, the rabbi would say, “Come and follow me” into training. If they did not pass, the rabbi would release them to go find a career, most likely the path of their father.

Jesus had already gained a reputation as a great rabbi, and word had gotten around that something was different with this man. So when He walked up and with no test at all, said, “Come and follow Me,” that was a huge honor and shock to someone who had flunked the original rabbi test. It was a rare second chance. 

Leaving the boat and their father behind represented both career and family. Their response to Jesus was an immediate yes.

But not everyone Jesus called “dropped their nets.” In the Luke passage, we see three men who declined to follow Jesus by offering what sounded like very good reasons.

At first read, Jesus’ responses seem harsh. But in every instance, the men were giving cultural excuses. They were being politically correct and did not mean what they were saying. Jesus was essentially calling their bluff. 

Only you and God know what you have to drop to find your place with Him so you can walk with Jesus in freedom. Before you can follow Him, your heart has to be ready to go. That was exactly the point of what Jesus said to these three men.

For the disciples, there was nothing wrong with being fishermen, nothing wrong with being in business with dad. That was a good, honest living. Jesus just called normal, simple men to launch a revolution that would change history. That is what He is still doing today! He is calling you to that same revolution.

What is it that you need to leave behind to fully commit to follow Christ? What are you holding onto? What is holding you back?

יום 3יום 5

על התכנית הזו

Believe Become Be: Becoming the Man God Believes You Can Be

Christian men desire to line their actions up with the Bible’s truths, yet a deep frustration comes when choices made don’t reflect those beliefs. But when a man grasps that His heavenly Father designed, created, gifted, and believes that he can become a man after His heart, that realization is a game changer. iDisciple Publishing’s latest release from author Robert Noland offers this five-day study to embolden men
