[Difference Makers ls] Live Heart Healthy דוגמה

[Difference Makers ls] Live Heart Healthy

יום 5 מתוך 7

Stop Doing Evil

No one has done you more harm in your life than you. I know it is the cool thing today—it has been for a long time—to blame it on somebody else. The practice goes right back to Genesis. “Well, who gave you the apple?” “My wife did.” “Who gave you the apple?” The snake did. Who made the apple tree? God did. The fault is not mine. Somehow, the fruit got eaten. 

Do you know what the number one killer is in the United States? Every year, 610,000 people die of heart disease. One of out every four deaths is due to heart disease. It is the leading cause of death for both men and women. We are dying of heart disease because we are eating a bunch of junk. Adam and Eve ate the apple. 

We are dying physically, but we are also dying spiritually. God has the solution. He told the people of Judah to stop doing what is evil and start doing what is good. 

Stop doing evil. If it is not glorifying God, if it is not giving you passion for Him, if you wouldn't do it in front of your mamma or your daddy, If you wouldn’t want all of us to know, stop. Quit looking at that, doing that, going there, acting like that, thinking that. Just quit it. Just stop. That is how you begin to live heart healthy: stop doing evil. John Owen, a Reformed theologian, said it like this, “Be killing sin or it will be killing you.” 

Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins. Trust Him, and His blood will make you pure in God’s sight. Christianity is an exchange. You take your ugly heart and exchange it for the righteousness of Christ. Have you made a trade with Jesus? Have you been born again? 

Sin brings death and love brings life. If we are going to be heart healthy, if we are going to be difference makers, we must repent of sin and stop doing evil. Only then can we walk with God. 

Lord, I am sorry for my sin. Help me get my heart right.  

יום 4יום 6

על התכנית הזו

[Difference Makers ls] Live Heart Healthy

God wants us to live heart healthy—free from sin and full of love. This study of Isaiah 1 looks at three ways sin hinders love: when we sin, our hearts grow cold, our hearts grow hard, and we hide instead of embracing God and others. God’s prescription for our heart problem is to stop doing evil, start doing good, and defend the orphan and the widow.
