Luke Series The Time Is Nowדוגמה

Luke Series  The Time Is Now

יום 2 מתוך 7

A Submitted Heart

As Jesus taught in the temple one day, the religious authorities and others fired question after question at him in an effort to trap him, discredit his message, and ultimately destroy him. Jesus had no problem with the questions of these haughty men. In his answers, he often confounded them and left them speechless. 

Jesus has no problem with questions—yours or mine. Yet, his tone in responding to us, when we ask him questions as followers with a surrendered heart, is vastly different than it was with the leaders in the temple. God loves it when we approach him with a surrendered heart. The Scriptures say, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind” (Luke 10:27). The operative word is “all.” 

It is clear that God gave us a mind as well as a heart and soul. He wants us to love him with all our being. Every part of us is supposed to be surrendered to him in love. So, if you have questions, do not be afraid to ask him about what is troubling your heart and mind. 

You may be at a place right now where you’re trying to figure out what to do with your life; what course of action you should take as you face a major decision; or what you should do with what God has placed in your hands. Ask the Father! He can handle your questions. And as you approach God, come with a heart of submission. What are your needs? Bow before God as your way of saying, “Father, I’m submitting to what you desire for my life.” 


Consider your prayers of the past week. Have you ever thought that the condition of your heart is far more significant than how you phrase your request? 


Lord, help me surrender my heart to you as I approach you in prayer. 


If you struggle with submission, remind yourself that Jesus submitted willingly to God the Father. 

Father, I submit myself to you and your best for my life. 

כתבי הקודש

יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Luke Series  The Time Is Now

Are you ready to start a life-changing journey? Walk with Jesus through Luke nineteen to twenty-four. Witness the establishment of God’s Kingdom on earth and Jesus’s final days on earth. Discover who Jesus is, why he came to earth, what his message was, and what he wants you to do. Your discovery will impact your family, friends, and community.
