Love God Greatly: Words Matterדוגמה

Love God Greatly: Words Matter

יום 24 מתוך 26

One of the things we say at Love God Greatly is, “Together it is easier.” And I really believe that. We need others. We need the encouragement and the support of others. It's a vital part of our lives. 

Children who grow up isolated have a harder time coping with feelings, they tend to have a very lower self-esteem and sometimes suffer from anxiety and depression. When we are separated physically, emotionally and spiritually from others, we lose the capacity to have normal, healthy relationships with them. 

The command for today is easy: encourage one another and build one another up (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Christian life has not been designed to be lived like islands, but in a loving community of people committed to help each other grow in the Lord. We all battle times of self-doubt, insecurity, and discouragement. It’s amazing what a little encouragement can do.

A kind word, smile or hug at the right time can be life-changing. A proper verse, a quick prayer, a deep conversation can help encourage someone who is hurting. We are called to use or words to stir up others to love and good works. How are you using your words to encourage others? What things can you start doing to help others and build them up? 

Heavenly Father, I want to be an encourager. I want to be someone who gets involved in other people's lives to help them grow and build them up. Help me, please to be a blessing to those around me. In Jesus’ name, amen.

יום 23יום 25

על התכנית הזו

Love God Greatly: Words Matter

In this 4 week study, we will dig into God’s Word and learn what He says about the words we speak to ourselves, to others, and words that change the world. We will learn to honor God and others with the words that we speak. We pray this study gives us great insight into how we can consistently speak words that give life and transform lives.
