Love God Greatly: Words Matterדוגמה

Love God Greatly: Words Matter

יום 17 מתוך 26

Today's verses are crucial for our relationship with others. We´re talking today about confrontation, conflict and correction. As Christians, we are called to exhort others. But, what does it mean exactly? What´s exhortation? Let me start by telling you what exhortation is not: it's not telling the other person everything he's doing wrong making him feel guilty and ashamed. 

Exhortation comes from the Greek word paraklésis, which means “to call to one’s side; to summon, encourage, admonish, entreat.” It is the same root as paraklétos, the Holy Spirit (John 14:16-17). To exhort is to develop relationships with other believers for the purpose of encouraging them in their spiritual growth. 

Our final goal when we exhort someone is encouragement. And that's the starting point to confronting someone, resolving conflicts, and correcting others. When we see someone is doing things wrong, we need to speak truth, yes, but we have to speak truth in love. That's what makes all the difference. 

Dear Lord, help me speak truth in love. I don't want to be the judge of other Christians, but to help them grow in their spiritual life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

יום 16יום 18

על התכנית הזו

Love God Greatly: Words Matter

In this 4 week study, we will dig into God’s Word and learn what He says about the words we speak to ourselves, to others, and words that change the world. We will learn to honor God and others with the words that we speak. We pray this study gives us great insight into how we can consistently speak words that give life and transform lives.
