Life According To Jim - Lessons From Jesus' Brother, Jamesדוגמה

Life According To Jim - Lessons From Jesus' Brother, James

יום 10 מתוך 14

The New Living Translation titles today’s reading, “Drawing Close to God.” When we draw closer to God, we need to continue to humble ourselves and submit to his will. James is not saying that we are to withdraw from the world and live in a little Christian bubble. He is challenging us to not compromise with the world in order to achieve our own plans.

So much of the book of James comes down to surrender. Verse 6 quotes Proverbs 3:34, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” We need to humble ourselves to God and his will as we surrender.

Let’s be challenged by this reading and be fully surrendered to God and his plan for our lives.

כתבי הקודש

יום 9יום 11

על התכנית הזו

Life According To Jim - Lessons From Jesus' Brother, James

No one reads the book of James and thinks, “So what does that have to do with me?” Unlike many of the New Testament letters that were written to one specific church, James is writing instructions to Christians all over. During this 14-day plan, we will be challenged and encouraged by the book of James’ practical and timely message.
