Learning to Speak God from Scratchדוגמה

Learning to Speak God from Scratch

יום 2 מתוך 5

What God Commands About Our Speech

There is a kind of cultural Christian lingo that many speak and almost everyone else understands. If someone sneezed, a stranger might say, “God bless you.” The sneezer would not stop to think, What do you mean by “God?” Or by “bless?” 

But that isn’t always the case. If a person mentioned that they had been “saved” or “born again,” some may not bat an eyelash, while others may scratch their heads in confusion. 

Perhaps we have become too flippant with our spiritual dialogue.

Etched into stone by the finger of God, is the importance of our speech. 

When Moses descended Mount Sinai lugging two stone tablets, he was delivering ten phrases that would become Israel’s watchwords. The commandments make for a curious list, really. One addresses the need for rest, while another forbids cheating on your spouse. Stealing is out in one commandment, while another vetoes covetousness. Idol-making is off-limits, and children are ordered to honor their parents.

When it comes to words, God issued not one, but two commandments. One prohibits bearing false witness against another person, which is just a fancy way of saying that hate speech, slander, and lying are all bad news. Another commandment forbids people from taking God’s name in vain. 

Words are too powerful to use carelessly, it seems to say, especially when you’re speaking God. The words we use to talk about God are sacred the language of faith—like any language and perhaps more than any language—provides the glue that binds a community together.

Make a note of each time you speak God today. What steps can you take to begin to be more intentional in how you use your words? 

כתבי הקודש

יום 1יום 3

על התכנית הזו

Learning to Speak God from Scratch

Talking about faith should be so simple. But there is a kind of cultural Christian lingo that doesn’t translate. We can no longer assume our friends understand words such as grace or gospel. Others, like lost and sin, have become so negative they are nearly conversation-enders. If you’ve ever felt this tension, maybe you need to join author Jonathan Merritt for a little spiritual speech therapy. In this 5-day devotional, we’ll learn how to speak God from scratch. Together, let’s discover a faith worth talking about.
