You Aren't Aloneדוגמה

You Aren't Alone

יום 3 מתוך 3

Marked As A Christian

Do you have a tattoo or know someone who does? Regardless of the motive, a tattoo is a permanent mark of identity—a lasting mark showing the world who you are, what you believe, and what matters most to you.

The theme of Day 3 in this meditation from Romans 12 is being marked—living a life that lets the world know who you are, what you believe, and what matters most to you.

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יום 2

על התכנית הזו

You Aren't Alone

Do you ever feel alone, isolated, or unwanted? The theme of these guided audio meditations is "being known."  Day 1 is how to celebrate the joy of Christ together. Day 2 is about being synchronized with others and united in Christ.  And, Day 3 is about living a life that lets the world know who you are. We pray you are blessed and encounter God in this plan.
