Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!דוגמה

Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!

יום 5 מתוך 7




Read today's scripture passages, then read and watch below.

Do you hear God’s call? Do you want to be found a faithful steward of God’s grace?

We are living in the last days. God has work for us to do. There are those who are blindly heading for destruction, those who don’t know Jesus or, for whatever reason, haven’t yet really heard or seen Him before.

God is calling men and women to proclaim the message of the gospel not only with their lips but with their lives. Men and women who will follow not what is politically, socially, or culturally correct, but who want to follow what is biblically correct. Those who choose not to follow what is pleasing to their own appetites or conform to what is popular in the culture, in the church, or in their social groups, but who will listen to one voice and proclaim the gospel in what they do and in what they say.

Such men and women are merely ordinary men and women who want to obey Jesus’ command to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. They have a burning desire to pick up their cross to follow Him. They want to become more like Him. Like John the Baptist, they say, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). Their attention is focused upon HIM—His Word, His way, and His life. Do you share this desire?

Authentic disciples are not made by merely jumping through Christian hoops. They are formed and shaped by following Jesus’ command to go and make disciples, one obedient step at a time. Authentic discipleship happens as we sacrificially lay down our lives one day at a time, trusting in His grace moment-by-moment and living for Him rather than self.

We are not alone; the Lord is with us. As we keep our sights upon Jesus and not on other Christians, the world, the storms, or our own desires, our faith in Him overrides the circumstances that once appeared to stand in the way, and we grow in grace. He will lead us and teach us as we obediently share our faith with those around us. People rarely remember how awkward someone was when they shared the gospel or how well done it was; they just know that someone cared enough to share the gospel.

יום 4יום 6

על התכנית הזו

Ready. Set. Go! Share the Gospel!

Do you believe the gospel? Do you know the gospel? Do you feel prepared to share the gospel? This plan from Thistlebend helps us think through these things and gets us ready to share the gospel while trusting in God's power and love for the lost. Note: The video content is not a duplication of the written content.
