Lord, Bless Me Indeedדוגמה

Lord, Bless Me Indeed

יום 3 מתוך 5

The passage we read in Jeremiah communicates a powerful truth about you. The truth is that God knew you long before you were even born. Not only did He know you; He set you apart with a specific purpose in mind. Just like God had a divine role for Jeremiah, Isaiah, Esther, Moses and more to play in the drama of life … God has a divine role for you as well. 

You matter. You matter greatly.

Now, I can hear you saying under your breath in response, “But I’m just an ordinary person.” And, don’t be offended, but I might agree with you. You are. Ordinary. And so am I. But also was David, Paul, Sarah and Peter. You and I could sit for hours naming ordinary people God used in extraordinary ways. That’s because we are all ordinary. It is God’s role to be God – He is the extraordinary One. 

When you humbly connect your ordinary with God’s extraordinary, you enter into a journey of exceptional depth, impact and significance. This is because God Himself has set up this journey for you to walk in (Ephesians 2:10). And whatever God has planned will certainly be exceptional.

God has waited since eternity to bless you, my friend. He has a purpose for you to fulfill. He has already set you apart. Now it’s your turn to ask Him to equip you, lead you and enable you to live it out.


Father, thank You for forming me in my mother’s womb. Thank You for setting me apart even before I was born. You have given me unique skills, personality traits, insights, experiences and more in order to fully live out Your plan for my life. Give me the wisdom to recognize Your leading and the confidence to walk in Your will. You are the extraordinary God who truly does make dreams come true. Let the dream You have planted in me express itself fully. In Christ’s name, Amen. 

יום 2יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Lord, Bless Me Indeed

Join NY Times bestselling author Bruce Wilkinson on this five-day journey of personal prayers. Following the format of the Prayer of Jabez, these daily reminders will enable you to access the blessings God has for you.
