Standing Tall In A Falling World By Angelique du Toitדוגמה

Standing Tall In A Falling World By Angelique du Toit

יום 5 מתוך 5

Guilt-free Living

Your relationship with your Heavenly Father through Jesus, His Son, is the most fundamental of all your relationships. If God is not the cornerstone in your life (see 1 Corinthians 3:11), the foundation on which you build your other relationships will be shaky. 

What I love about living life with God is that we are set free from pseudo-guilt; always feeling burdened by what we are not, because in Him we are free to enjoy the very life He gave us. We can get past the guilt of feeling that we never have enough time for Him and invite God into the 24 hours a day that we do have, committing all of our activities and facets of life to Him and asking Him in a practical way to be with us as we go through what is often the routine and mundane duties of the day. 

False guilt stems from not really believing that we deserve the best God has for us, or that we are not good enough to receive what He is offering. We therefore become the obstacle to enjoying an extravagant relationship with God because our lives are guilt-ridden and not God-driven. 

The one and only way to be guilt-free forever is to—without question and in total faith, even though you may not have the full understanding of what Jesus did for you on Calvary—accept the absolute fact that His sinless, pure and perfect life was given in exchange for your less-than-perfect, sin-filled, impure life (see 1 John 1:6–10).

יום 4

על התכנית הזו

Standing Tall In A Falling World By Angelique du Toit

This 5-day reading plan on living with purpose will encourage readers to develop their God-given talents, to shine a light in a fallen world and to walk closer to God every day. Each day features thoughts on a specific theme (such as purpose, trust, inner healing and hope) and ends with a Scripture verse. The content for this reading plan is based on Angelique du Toit’s "Standing Tall in a Falling World".
