Hebrews 1:1-9

Hebrews 1:1-9 Amplified Bible (AMP)

God, having spoken to the fathers long ago in [the voices and writings of] the prophets in many separate revelations [each of which set forth a portion of the truth], and in many ways, has in these last days spoken [with finality] to us in [the person of One who is by His character and nature] His Son [namely Jesus], whom He appointed heir and lawful owner of all things, through whom also He created the universe [that is, the universe as a space-time-matter continuum]. The Son is the radiance and only expression of the glory of [our awesome] God [reflecting God’s Shekinah glory, the Light-being, the brilliant light of the divine], and the exact representation and perfect imprint of His [Father’s] essence, and upholding and maintaining and propelling all things [the entire physical and spiritual universe] by His powerful word [carrying the universe along to its predetermined goal]. When He [Himself and no other] had [by offering Himself on the cross as a sacrifice for sin] accomplished purification from sins and established our freedom from guilt, He sat down [revealing His completed work] at the right hand of the Majesty on high [revealing His Divine authority], having become as much superior to angels, since He has inherited a more excellent and glorious name than they [that is, Son—the name above all names]. For to which of the angels did the Father ever say, “YOU ARE MY SON, TODAY I HAVE BEGOTTEN (fathered) YOU [established You as a Son, with kingly dignity]”? And again [did He ever say to the angels], “I SHALL BE A FATHER TO HIM AND HE SHALL BE A SON TO ME”? [2 Sam 7:14; Ps 2:7] And when He again brings the firstborn [highest-ranking Son] into the world, He says, “AND ALL THE ANGELS OF GOD ARE TO WORSHIP HIM.” [Ps 97:7] And concerning the angels He says, “WHO MAKES HIS ANGELS WINDS, AND HIS MINISTERING SERVANTS FLAMES OF FIRE [to do His bidding].” [Ps 104:4] But about the Son [the Father says to Him], “YOUR THRONE, O GOD, IS FOREVER AND EVER, AND THE SCEPTER OF [absolute] RIGHTEOUSNESS IS THE SCEPTER OF HIS KINGDOM. “YOU HAVE LOVED RIGHTEOUSNESS [integrity, virtue, uprightness in purpose] AND HAVE HATED LAWLESSNESS [injustice, sin]. THEREFORE GOD, YOUR GOD, HAS ANOINTED YOU WITH THE OIL OF GLADNESS ABOVE YOUR COMPANIONS.” [Ps 45:6, 7]

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Read Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1:1-9 The Passion Translation (TPT)

Throughout our history God has spoken to our ancestors by his prophets in many different ways. The revelation he gave them was only a fragment at a time, building one truth upon another. But to us living in these last days, God now speaks to us openly in the language of a Son, the appointed Heir of everything, for through him God created the panorama of all things and all time. The Son is the dazzling radiance of God’s splendor, the exact expression of God’s true nature—his mirror image! He holds the universe together and expands it by the mighty power of his spoken word. He accomplished for us the complete cleansing of sins, and then took his seat on the highest throne at the right hand of the majestic One. He is infinitely greater than angels, for he inherited a rank and a Name far greater than theirs. For God has never said to any angel what he said to Jesus: “You are my favored Son, today I have fathered you.” And this: “I will be the Father to him, and he will be the Son to me.” And again, when he brought his firstborn Son into the world: “Let all my angels bow down before him and kiss him in worship.” And about his angels he says, “I make my angels swift winds, and my ministers fiery flames.” But about his Son, he called him “God,” saying, “Your throne, O God, endures forever and ever and you will rule your kingdom with justice and righteousness, For you have cherished righteousness and detested lawlessness. For this reason, God, your God, has anointed you and poured out the oil of bliss on you more than on any of your friends.”

શેર કરો
Read Hebrews 1