Matiyu 11
Yesu beleŋ Yon Baptais niŋ yiriŋ
(Luk 7:18-35)
1Be, komatmiŋ 12 goyen saba yirde yirdeb yubul tike kwamiŋ. Irkeb Yesube gor mat Galili naŋa bana goŋ niŋ taun hoyaŋyaŋ wor Al Kuruŋyen saba yirde meremiŋ tagale yeŋ kuriŋ.
2Gwaha teŋ kuŋ hikeb Yon Baptais koyare hinhinde gor po heŋbe Yesu Kristuyen mere momoŋ goyen nuryiŋ. Irdeb komatmiŋ kura hulyaŋ yiryiŋ. 3Irkeb kuŋbe, “Ge gayenbe Yon beleŋ al kura kame wayyeŋ yeke nurde hityen al goyenbe ge gago ma al hoyaŋ niŋ doyaŋ heŋ hitek?” ineŋ gusuŋaŋ iramiŋ. 4Irkeb, “Mulgaŋ heŋ kuŋbe dindikeŋ mere nurde haŋya mata teŋ hime neneŋ haŋya kuruŋ goyen Yon momoŋ irnayiŋ. 5Al diliŋ titmiŋbe naŋkeneŋ haŋ. Kahaŋ titmiŋbe tareŋ heŋ harde kuŋ haŋ. Al busuka miŋyaŋbe uliŋ igiŋ heŋ haŋ. Irde kirmiŋ titmiŋbe mere nurde haŋ. Al kamtiŋ manaŋ sopte huwarde kuŋ haŋ. Irde Al Kuruŋ beleŋ megen niŋ alya bereya faraŋ yurd yurd mere igiŋ gobe al buniŋeŋ wor nurde haŋ gayen kuŋ momoŋ irnayiŋ. 6Irdeb, ‘Al kura ne niŋ teŋ Al Kuruŋ niŋ dufaymiŋ tareŋ irtiŋ goyen go ma katyeŋbe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ guram irde saŋiŋ iryeŋ,’ yihi innayiŋ,” yinyiŋ.
7Gwaha yinkeb Yonyen komatmiŋ go mulgaŋ heŋ kwamiŋ. Kukeb Yesu beleŋ Yon niŋ momoŋ yire yeŋbe gaha yinyiŋ: “Deŋbe sawsawa po kuruŋ naŋa bana goŋbe da kinniŋ yeŋ kwaŋ? Duliŋ yamuŋ kura meŋe beleŋ tama yurtiŋ goyen yinniŋ yeŋ kwaŋ? 8Goyen moŋ kenem da wor po kinniŋ yeŋ kwaŋ? Al kura umŋa igiŋ titiŋ kura kinniŋ yeŋ kwaŋ? Moŋ. Al horam yaŋ umŋa igiŋ teŋ det igiŋ igiŋ niŋ po nurde haŋ marbe megen niŋ doyaŋ mar karkuwaŋyen yayaŋ po haŋ. 9Goyenbe da kuŋ kinniŋ yeŋ kwaŋ? Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ al? Gwaha, fudinde. Gega yeŋbe Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ mar hoyaŋ goyen yara moŋ. Yeŋbe gote folek. 10Al goyen goke teŋbe Al Kuruŋyen asaŋde gahade katiŋ hi:
‘Mere basaŋ alne teŋ kermeke yeŋ wa meheŋ heŋ kuyeŋ.
Meheŋ heŋ kuŋbe beleŋge sope irde gunyeŋ,’ yitiŋ hi. Malakai 3:1
11Be, yitiŋ gwahade po meteŋ tiyuŋ al gobe al hoyaŋ moŋ. Yon Baptais beleŋ tiyuŋ. Niŋgeb fudinde wor po, bere beleŋ kawaŋ yirtiŋ haŋ kuruŋ gayen Yonyen meteŋ goyen fole irtek epte moŋ hinhan. Yeŋ beleŋ meteŋ tiyuŋ gobe meteŋ hoyaŋ kuruŋ gote folek wor po tiyuŋ. Goyenbe yeŋbe ne gayen neŋkela ma heŋ hi. Niŋgeb al kura deŋem moŋ gega neŋkela heŋ bebak teŋbe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ yende alya bereya doyaŋ yirde hi bana goŋ hiyeŋ al gobe Al Kuruŋ diliŋdeb Yon folek yeŋ kinyeŋ.
12-13“Be, Moseyen sabaya Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ marte sabaya asaŋde katiŋ gobe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ yende alya bereya doyaŋ yird yird goyen tagalke waŋ waŋ Yon Baptais wor tagaluŋ. Niŋgeb Yon hitte mat waŋ waŋ gayen nalu hitere gabe Al Kuruŋ beleŋ alya bereyamiŋ doyaŋ yird yird mata kawan forok yeŋ hike yeneŋbe al budam bana goŋ kuniŋ yeŋ nurde kurut wor po yeŋ haŋ. Goyenbe tareŋmiŋde teŋ hikeb Al Kuruŋ beleŋ alya bereyamiŋ doyaŋ yird yird goyen buluŋ irde haŋ. 14Yonbe bikkeŋ Elaia beleŋ meteŋ teŋ hinhin gwahade meteŋ tiyuŋ. Niŋgeb al kura kame Elaia wayyeŋ yeŋ Moseyen sabaya Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ mar beleŋ tagaltiŋ goyen fudinde yeŋ nurde haŋ keneŋbe Yon Baptais gobe al gogo yeŋ nurnayiŋ. 15Al kirmiŋ miŋyaŋbe mere gayen keŋkela nurnaŋ ko.
16“Be, gayenter niŋ marbe al matam dahade haŋ yeweŋ? Be, go mar gobe diriŋ kura gabu gasuŋde heŋ kari teŋ heŋya yiŋgeŋ uliŋ kadom mohoŋde teŋ haŋyen go gwahade. Diriŋ gobe kari teŋ heŋya kadom gineŋ teŋbe, 17‘Neŋ beleŋ buleluŋ fuk irde tikiŋ heŋ dunhet gega, gege ma tahaŋ. Irde esinayiŋ daw yeŋ al hakwa ambo irde irdere niŋ tikiŋ heŋ dunhet gega ma esahaŋ,’ yineŋ kwep kwep yirde haŋyen go gwahade.
18Niŋgeb diriŋ teŋ haŋyen gwahade goyen po, mel gobe mere fudinde nurtek ma yirde hi. Niŋgeb Yon Baptais beleŋ beretya wainya ma neke keneŋbe, ‘Al gobe uŋguram yaŋ,’ ineŋ hinhan. 19Munaŋ ne Al Urmiŋ gabe biŋgeya wainya nemeke neneŋbe, ‘Al gabe dulare niŋ al wor po. Irde yeŋbe teks yad yad marya Moseyen saba keŋkela ma gama irde hike “mata buluŋ mar” yineŋ hityen mar gote kadom,’ nineŋ haŋyen. Goyenpoga al kura dufay wukkeŋ miŋyaŋbe matamiŋ beleŋ gab kawan forok irde hiyeŋ geb,” yinyiŋ.
Biŋ mulgaŋ ma heŋ haŋ mar
(Luk 10:13-15)
20Be, Yesu go gwaha yineŋbe Al Kuruŋyen tareŋde mata tiŋeŋ kurayen kurayen budam teŋ hike ga bebak ma teŋbe mata buluŋmiŋ yubul ma teŋ Al Kuruŋ hitte biŋ mulgaŋ ma hamiŋ mar goyen goke igiŋ ma nurde gaha yiriŋ: 21“Be, deŋ Yuda mar Korasin taundeya Betsaida taundeya haŋ marbe ne beleŋ mata tiŋeŋ kurayen kurayen teŋ himeke neneŋ bebak titek yara gega, gwaha ma teŋ asogo nirde haŋ. Niŋgeb deŋ Yuda marte mata gwahade goke Al Kuruŋ beleŋ biŋ ar yeke gote muruŋgem buluŋ wor po dunyeŋ geb, goke buniŋeŋ nurd duneŋ hime. Ne beleŋ Yuda mar moŋ al miŋ hoyaŋ haŋyen taunde Tairya Saidonya gor kuŋ mata tiŋeŋ forok yirmiriŋ manhan mel gob araŋ po bebak teŋ mata buluŋmiŋ ge kandukŋeŋ wor po nurde amil erekkek hor yirde tupi sam teŋ mata buluŋmiŋ go yubul teŋ Al Kuruŋ niŋ biŋ mulgaŋ hewoŋ. 22Fudinde wor po dineŋ hime. Tairya Saidonya taunde niŋ marte mata buluŋ gote muruŋgembe kuruŋ yarham. Goyenbe deŋ Yuda mar merene gama ma irde haŋyen gote muruŋgembe yende folek, buluŋ wor po tenayiŋ geb. 23Irde deŋ Kapeneam taunde niŋ mar, deŋbe dindikeŋ ge yeŋ, ‘Neŋbe deŋniniŋ yaŋ,’ yeŋ turuŋ turuŋ teŋ Al Kuruŋ niŋ bitiŋ ma mulgaŋ heŋ haŋ? Al Kuruŋ beleŋ kak ala bana demeyke kurkunayiŋ geb. Mata tiŋeŋ kurayen kurayen deŋ hitte forok yeŋ hike yeneŋ haŋ gayen Sodom taunde forok yeŋ hinhan manhan gor niŋ mar beleŋ mata goyen yeneŋbe mata buluŋmiŋ yubul teŋ Al Kuruŋ niŋ biŋ mulgaŋ hewoŋ. Irkeb buluŋ ma irkeb gaha naŋa gayenbe taun gobe hiwoŋ. 24Fudinde dineŋ hime, kame Al Kuruŋ beleŋ al igiŋya buluŋya pota yiryeŋ nalureb Sodom niŋ marbe mata buluŋ teŋ hinhan gote muruŋgem buluŋ tenayiŋ. Goyenbe deŋ Kapeneam taunde niŋ marbe Sodom niŋ mar beleŋ kanduk tenayiŋ gote folek wor po tenayiŋ geb,” yinyiŋ.
Kanduk miŋyaŋ marbe Yesu hitte wanayiŋ
(Luk 10:21-22)
25Be, goya goyenbe Al Kuruŋ mere irde, “Adone, gebe naŋkiŋya megeŋya gote Doyaŋ Al Kuruŋ. Gebe al yiŋgeŋ dufaymiŋ wukkek yeŋ nurde haŋ marya megen niŋ alyen saba karkuwaŋ yawartiŋ marya hittebe meteŋ teŋ hime kuruŋ gate miŋ goyen bana kerde hayen. Goyenbe diriŋ beleŋ naniŋ miliŋ hitte tawuŋ hitiŋ yara al kura yiŋgeŋde saŋiŋde epte moŋ yeŋ nurde Al Kuruŋ beleŋ gab faraŋ duri yeŋ haŋ mar hitte yikala yiraŋ goke amaŋeŋ wor po nurde turuŋ girde hime. 26Fudinde, buniŋeŋgebe kuruŋ geb, mata gwahade forok iraŋ,” yiriŋ.
27Irdeb, “Adone beleŋbe det kuruŋ gayen doyaŋ yird yird meteŋ gobe ne nunyiŋ. Nebe yende Urmiŋ wor po geb, yeŋ po gab keŋkela nurde nuneŋ hi. Al hoyaŋbe gwahade ma nurd nuneŋ haŋ. Irde Nannebe neya al kura ne beleŋ basiŋa yirde hime marya po ga nurd uneŋ hite. Al hoyaŋbe gwahade moŋ. 28Niŋgeb deŋ kanduk kurayen kurayen yeneŋ goke bitiŋ misiŋ nurde haŋ marbe ne hitte wanaŋ. Irkeb faraŋ durmeke bitiŋ yurum heke hinayiŋ. 29Nebe delne kamtiŋ, irde dufayne manaŋ kipirtiŋ. Niŋgeb waŋ sabane nurde gama nirnayiŋ. Irkeb faraŋ durmeke bitiŋ yurum hekeb hinayiŋ. 30Sabane nurde gama irnayiŋ dineŋ hime gobe meteŋeŋ moŋ. Ne beleŋ kanduk duneŋ hime gobe hipirkeŋ geb, ne hitte wanaŋ,” yinyiŋ.
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Matiyu 11: dah
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