John 9:2-3

John 9:2-3 SEE

Oˑnă̱h neh, haˑgo̱ˑiˑo̱ˑnyaˑnih' ho̱ˑwa̱n'do̱s'o̱h, hoˑnă̱ă̱', Saˑdi'o̱ˑnyaˑnih, so̱'naħˑot' goˑiˑwaˑneħ'akˑheħˑo̱h', nă̱ˑgă̱ă̱' ho̱ˑgweh, o̱ˑgii', neħ no̱ˑwa̱n'deħˑdo̱ħ, heh, deˑa'gahˑgwe'go̱ˑo̱nˑdyeħ shaˑă̱ˑno̱ˑgăăt'? Detˑhòs'nyeħˑo̱h ne Jeˑsus, Tă̱ħ'ă̱h nă̱ˑgă̱ă̱' ho̱'gweh deˑò'iˑwa'neħˑak'heħˑo̱h, tă̱ħˑă̱h kuh ha'eħˑgwah no̱ˑwa̱n'deħˑdo̱ħ; neħ gwaa' sho̱ naˑyòˑdo'gaħˑteħt noˑi'òħˑdas'hăħ Na'wĕnˑniˑyòħ haaˑyaħ'daˑdeħ.

John 9 વાંચો

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