Jeremiah 10:1-13

Jeremiah 10:1-13 TPT

Israel! Hear the word YAHWEH speaks to you. YAHWEH says: “Do not adopt the ways of other nations or be terrified by unusual signs in the heavens even though the unbelieving nations are in awe of them. For the religious practices of the nations are delusions. They cut down a tree from the forest, then a craftsman fashions it with his hands. He adorns his idol with silver and gold and takes hammer and nails to secure it so it won’t wobble. Their idols are like speechless scarecrows standing in a field; someone must carry them around because they can’t even take a step. So don’t fear them in any way, for they are incapable of doing good or evil.” YAHWEH, there is no God like you; you are unrivaled in your greatness and might! The power of your name is so great! King of the nations, who would not fear you? Yes, it is proper to reverence you. Among all the wise ones of the nations and among all their royal ones, there is still no one as magnificent as you. What wisdom could they glean from a block of wood? They are foolish blockheads, one and all. They cover their idols with beaten, refined silver and gold, even fine gold. The hammer of a craftsman and the hands of a goldsmith craft their image, robing them in garments of violet and purple. They are nothing but the work of human hands. Only YAHWEH is the true and living God, the King of all ages! At his fury the earth trembles, and nations crumble before his wrath. “Say to them: “ ‘The gods who did not create the heavens and the earth will be destroyed from the earth and from under the heavens.’ ” YAHWEH made the earth by his glorious power and firmly established it by his great wisdom. By his skill he stretched out the sky. When he speaks, the heavenly ocean roars! He makes the clouds rise from the distant horizon. He launches his lightning in the midst of the rain and unleashes his stormy winds from heaven’s storehouses. Out of his treasuries of rain, lightning bolts, and stormy winds, he launches them forth.

Jeremiah 10 વાંચો

Video for Jeremiah 10:1-13