Daniel 7:1-18

Daniel 7:1-18 TPT

During the first year of the reign of King Belshazzar of Babylon, I, Daniel, had a dream filled with visions while I lay on my bed. So, I wrote down my dream, describing in full all that I had seen. Suddenly, in my night vision, I saw the four winds of the heavens burst forth upon the great sea. Then emerging from the tossing sea came four immense beasts, each different from the others. The first one was like a winged lion, with wings like an eagle. As I watched, its wings were plucked off, and it was lifted up from the earth, standing on two feet like a person, and it was given a human heart. Then the second beast I saw resembled a bear. It was half crouching and had three ribs clenched between its fangs. It was told, “Stand up and devour more flesh.” After that, as I looked on, behold, there was another one that looked like a tiger. On its back were four large wings of a bird. This beast had four heads, and it was given authority for dominion. Then in my night vision, behold, I saw a fourth beast! It was dreadful, terrifying, and incredibly powerful. It had huge iron teeth used for crushing and devouring its victims. With its massive feet it trampled on what was left. It had ten horns and was totally different from the other beasts. As I was wondering about the horns, suddenly, another little horn sprouted up among them and tore out by the roots three of the previous horns to make room for it. On this little horn there were eyes like that of a man and a mouth boasting arrogantly. As I looked on, I observed a heavenly courtroom. Various thrones were being arranged until the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow, and his hair was white like perfectly clean wool. His throne was a tempest of fiery flames, set upon wheels of blazing fire. A surging stream of fire flowed from before him. Immeasurable numbers of people were serving him, and countless myriads were attending him. The court convened for judgment, and the books were opened. As I kept on looking, I heard boastful words being spoken by the little horn. As I watched, the verdict was issued. The fourth beast was killed, and its body was thrown into the blazing fire. As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion had been taken away, but they were allowed to continue living for an appointed time. Then, as I was looking on in my night visions, suddenly I saw one like a son of man coming in the midst of the clouds of heaven. He was ushered into the presence of the Ancient of Days and presented before him. Then the Ancient of Days conferred upon him dominion, glory, and kingship. People of every nation and language group worshiped him. His dominion is everlasting and will never pass away, and his kingdom will never be destroyed. As for me, Daniel, I was terrified by these night visions, and my spirit was deeply disturbed by all that I saw. I went up to one who was standing there and asked him to explain the true meaning of what I had witnessed. So he gave me the interpretation: “These four great beasts represent four empires that will rise to power over the earth. But after them, the holy ones, the most high ones, will receive the kingdom and possess it forever. Yes, forever and ever!”

Daniel 7 વાંચો

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