Chivkeeb 17
Kevcai Txav Ua Cim Cog Tseg
1Thaus Anplaas noobnyoog muaj cuaj caum cuaj xyoos, tug TSWV tau rov lug tshwm rua nwg pum hab has tas, “Kuv yog Vaajtswv tug kws muaj fwjchim luj kawg nkaus. Koj ca le noog kuv lug hab ua lub neej ncaaj nceeg moog kuas taag koj simneej. 2Kuv yuav coglug tseg rua koj hab yuav pub kuas koj muaj xeebntxwv coob heev.” 3Anplaas txawm txhus caug ndlua nyo hau ua ntsejmuag ti nkaus aav, hab Vaajtswv has tas, 4“Tej lug kws kuv cog tseg rua koj muaj le nuav: Koj yuav tau ua ntau tsaav tuabneeg tug yawmkoob. 5Koj lub npe yuav tsi hu ua Anplaas ntxiv lawm, tabsis yuav hu ua Anplahaas,#17.5 Anplahaas: Lub npe nuav has le Henplais lu lug kws has tas, “yawmkoob ntawm txhua tsaav tuabneeg.” rua qhov kuv tsaa koj ua ntau tsaav tuabneeg tug yawmkoob.#Loo 4.17 6Kuv yuav pub kuas koj muaj xeebntxwv fuamvaam coob heev. Koj tej xeebntxwv yuav moog ua ntau tsaav tuabneeg, hab muaj qee leej yuav ua vaajntxwv.
7“Kuv yuav ceev kuv tej lug cog tseg rua koj hab koj tej xeebntxwv moog lawm yaav tom ntej ib tam dlhau rua ib tam kws yog cov lug cog tseg moog ibtxhis tsi kawg le. Kuv yuav yog koj tug Vaajtswv hab koj tej xeebntxwv tug Vaajtswv.#Luk 1.55 8Kuv yuav muab lub tebchaws kws taamsim nuav koj tseem ua tuabneeg poob tebchaws nyob nuav pub rua koj hab koj tej xeebntxwv. Taagnrho lub tebchaws Kana-aas nuav yuav yog koj tej xeebntxwv le moog ibtxhis, hab kuv yuav yog puab tug Vaajtswv.”#Ten 7.5
9Vaajtswv has rua Anplahaas has tas, “Koj yuavtsum ceev cov lug cog tseg nuav, rua koj hab koj tej xeebntxwv ib tam dlhau rua ib tam moog ibtxhis le. 10Koj hab koj tej xeebntxwv yuavtsum ua kevcai txav tawv rua txhua tug txivneej.#Ten 7.8; Loo 4.11 11-12Txij nub nua moog lawm yaav tom ntej koj yuavtsum muab txhua tug mivnyuas tub ua kevcai txav tawv thaus nwg noobnyoog muaj yim nub, tsi has tej tubqhe kws yug huv mej tsev hab tej tubqhe kws mej yuav ntawm lwm tsaav tuabneeg lug ua kevcai txav huv tuabsi. Txuj kevcai nuav yog lub cim tseemceeb ntawm lu lug cog tseg rua koj hab kuv. 13Txhua tug yuavtsum tau ua kevcai txav tawv, hab txuj kevcai txav ntawm nqaj tawv nuav txhaj ua lub cim qha has tas, kuv cov lug cog tseg rua mej yeej nyob moog ibtxhis. 14Txhua tug txivneej kws nwg tsi tau ua kevcai txav tawv yuav tau muab nwg rhu tawm huv kuv tsaav tuabneeg, rua qhov nwg tsi ceev lu lug cog tseg ntawd.”
15Vaajtswv has rua Anplahaas tas, “Koj tsi xob hu koj tug quaspuj ua Xalais lawm, txij nub nua moog koj yuavtsum hu nwg lub npe ua Xalas lawm xwb. 16Kuv yuav foom koob moov rua nwg hab kuv yuav pub nwg muaj ib tug tub rua koj. Kuv yuav foom koob moov rua nwg hab nwg yuav tau ua ntau tsaav tuabneeg leej nam, hab nwg tej xeebntxwv yuav muaj qee leej sawv ua vaajntxwv.”
17Anplahaas txawm txhus caug ndlua nyo hau ua ntsejmuag ti nkaus aav, tabsis tseem luag tuabywv huv sab thaus nwg xaav txug has tas, “Yuav ua le caag tug tuabneeg kws noobnyoog muaj ib puas xyoo lawm tseem muaj taug mivnyuas? Xalas tub muaj cuaj caum xyoo lawm, nwg tseem yuav xeeb taug tub hab los?” 18Anplahaas has rua Vaajtswv has tas, “Thov koj ca le foom koob moov rua Yisamayees xwb.”
19Ces Vaajtswv has tas, “Tsi yog le ntawd, Xalas kws yog koj tug quaspuj yuav yug ib tug tub rua koj hab koj yuavtsum tis nwg lub npe hu ua Ixaj.#17.19 Ixaj: Lub npe nuav lug Henplais txhais has tas, “nwg luag.” Kuv yuav ceev kuv tej lug cog tseg nrug nwg hab nwg cov xeebntxwv moog ibtxhis. Yog lu lug cog tseg kws nyob moog ibtxhis tsi kawg le. 20Kuv nov tej lug kws koj tau thov kuv has txug Yisamayees, yog le ntawd, kuv yuav foom koob moov rua nwg hab pub kuas nwg muaj tubki hab xeebntxwv coob heev. Nwg yuav ua kaum ob tug vaajntxwv leej txiv, hab kuv yuav pub kuas nwg tej xeebntxwv ua ib tsaav tuabneeg tseemceeb. 21Tabsis kuv yuav ceev kuv tej lug cog tseg nrug koj tug tub Ixaj, yog tug kws lwm xyoo rov txug lub caij nuav Xalas yuav yug rua koj.” 22Thaus Vaajtswv has taag rua Anplahaas lawm, nwg txawm ncaim Anplahaas moog lawm.
23Anplahaas ua lawv le Vaajtswv has, tuab nub ntawd xwb nwg txawm ua kevcai txav tawv rua nwg tug tub Yisamayees hab lwm tug txivneej kws nyob huv nwg lub tsev, taagnrho tej tubqhe kws yug huv nwg tsev hab tej tubqhe kws muab nyaj yuav lug huv tuabsi. 24Anplahaas ua kevcai txav tawv thaus nwg muaj noobnyoog cuaj caum cuaj xyoos, 25hab nwg tug tub Yisamayees ua thaus muaj kaum peb xyoos. 26Obtug puavleej ua kevcai txav rua tuab nub ntawd, 27hab tuab txhij nrug Anplahaas cov tubqhe txhua tug huv tuabsi.
હાલમાં પસંદ કરેલ:
Chivkeeb 17: HNJ2000
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