Jeremiah 23:16-29

Jeremiah 23:16-29 NCV

This is what the LORD All-Powerful says: “Don’t pay attention to what those prophets are saying to you. They are trying to fool you. They talk about visions their own minds made up, not about visions from me. They say to those who hate me: ‘The LORD says: You will have peace.’ They say to all those who are stubborn and do as they please: ‘Nothing bad will happen to you.’ But none of these prophets has stood in the meeting of angels to see or hear the message of the LORD. None of them has paid close attention to his message. Look, the punishment from the LORD will come like a storm. His anger will be like a hurricane. It will come swirling down on the heads of those wicked people. The LORD’s anger will not stop until he finishes what he plans to do. When that day is over, you will understand this clearly. I did not send those prophets, but they ran to tell their message. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied anyway. But if they had stood in the meeting of angels, they would have told my message to my people. They would have turned the people from their evil ways and from doing evil. “I am a God who is near,” says the LORD. “I am also a God who is far away.” “No one can hide where I cannot see him,” says the LORD. “I fill all of heaven and earth,” says the LORD. “I have heard the prophets who prophesy lies in my name. They say, ‘I have had a dream! I have had a dream!’ How long will this continue in the minds of these lying prophets? They prophesy from their own wishful thinking. They are trying to make the people of Judah forget me by telling each other these dreams. In the same way, their ancestors forgot me and worshiped Baal. Is straw the same thing as wheat?” says the LORD. “If a prophet wants to tell about his dreams, let him! But let the person who hears my message speak it truthfully! Isn’t my message like a fire?” says the LORD. “Isn’t it like a hammer that smashes a rock?

Jeremiah 23 વાંચો

Video for Jeremiah 23:16-29