Jhone 3:16
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Fer God loved tha warl that much, that he gien hïs yin an ainlie Sinn, sae that whaiver pits thair trust ïn hïm wull no be loast, but wull leeve fer ivermair.
Jhone 3:16 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:17
Fer God niver sent hïs Sinn ïntae tha warl fer tae judge ït, but rether fer tae save ït.
Jhone 3:17 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:3
Jesus saed bak tae hïm, “A'm tellin ye tha truith, naebodie wull see tha Kïngdom o God, ïf he ïsnae boarn agane.”
Jhone 3:3 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:18
Oniebodie that believes on hïm ïs no condemned, but oniebodie that daesnae believe ïs aareadie condemned, fer he haesnae believed on tha name o God's yin an ainlie Sinn.
Jhone 3:18 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:19
An thïs ïs tha judgemen: that tha licht haes cum ïntae tha warl, but men wud rether hae tha dairk ner tha licht on accoont o thair wrangdaeins.
Jhone 3:19 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:30
He maun growe bïgger, an A maun get smaaer.”
Jhone 3:30 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:20
Iverie wrangdaer haits tha licht, an the'll no cum ïntae tha licht fer fear thair wrangdaeins wull be fun oot.
Jhone 3:20 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:36
An oniebodie that pits thair belief ïn tha Sinn haes ayelastin life, but oniebodie that turns thair bak on tha Sinn winnae see life, but tha wrath o God hings ower hïm.
Jhone 3:36 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:14
But jist as Moses püt up tha sarpent on a poul ïn tha wuldèrness, tha Sinn o Man maun be lïftit up tae
Jhone 3:14 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 3:35
Tha Faither loves tha Sinn an haes gien aa thïngs ïntae hïs han.
Jhone 3:35 ખોજ કરો