Jhone 1:12
Tha Fower Gospels ïn Ulstèr-Scots 2021
Yit tae aa thaim that dïd tak hïm ïn, an trustit on hïs name, he gien thaim tha richt tae be makkit childèr o God
Jhone 1:12 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:1
Richt at tha stairt, ye haed tha Wurd. Tha Wurd wus thair alang wi God, an tha Wurd wus God.
Jhone 1:1 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:5
Tha licht beams ïn tha mirk, but tha mirk cannae pit ït oot.
Jhone 1:5 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:14
Tha Wurd cum tae be flesh an bluid an leeved amang iz. We hae saa hïs glorie, tha glorie o tha Yin an Ainlie that cum frae tha Faither, fu o grace an truith.
Jhone 1:14 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:3-4
Iverie last thïng wus made throu hïm; athoot hïm, naethin ava wus iver made. In hïm wus life, an thïs life wus tha licht o mankine.
Jhone 1:3-4 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:29
Tha nixt day Jhone saa Jesus cumin up tae hïm an saed, “Luk an behoul, tha Lamb o God that taks awa tha sïn o tha warl!
Jhone 1:29 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:10-11
He wus ïn tha warl, but tha mair ït wus o hïs makkin, tha warl dïdnae ken wha he wus. He cum tae hïs ain lan, but hïs ain fowk wantit naethin tae dae wi hïm.
Jhone 1:10-11 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:9
Tha true licht, hïm that gies licht tae iverie man, wus cumin ïntae tha warl.
Jhone 1:9 ખોજ કરો
Jhone 1:17
Tha mair tha Laa wus gien throu Moses, grace an truith cum throu Jesus Christ.
Jhone 1:17 ખોજ કરો