મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને Genesis 6:5થી સંબંધિત મનન

Counterfeits to Christ
3 Days
Everyone worships something. Mark and Grace Driscoll challenge you to consider: are you worshipping Christ or something else?

NOAH: A 5-Day Devotional
5 Days
Noah’s story is one of the most well known in human history. His unswerving obedience and unique relationship with God is an epic example of the importance of personal faith. Inspired by NOAH, Sight&Sound;’s landmark production, this five-day study offers a glimpse into the man who was willing to do whatever God asked—even building an ark.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–1–In The Beginning
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Begin with the first part "In the Beginning." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Victorious Families
5 Days
One of our top priorities should be taking care of our home. If the world tries to break up our family, we must fight to restore it by asking God for direction. How then, in times of destruction, can we restore our families? In this devotional, we will reflect on how Noah's family overcame and fled destruction by edifying their home.

Getting Good With Money
5 Days
This 5-day plan will inspire, encourage, and equip readers to achieve their financial goals and be good stewards of what they have. It does more than just tell you "how to budget" book, this is the start of a comprehensive roadmap to financial freedom. Based on the book Getting Good with Money by Jessi Fearon.

Discover God’s Goodness When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned
5 Days
This wasn’t part of the plan. The story wasn’t supposed to go this way. I didn’t sign up for this. If you’ve ever had these thoughts, chances are that your story has shifted in some unexpected way. This five-day devotional by Sarah Frazer looks at Moses’ story to help you discover how God is working in the twists and turns in your story.

Girl Read Your Bible
5 Days
This Guided Bible Reading Plan is designed to help you take your Bible reading experience to the next level. If you’ve ever read the Bible and been completely confused, this plan is for you. Within this plan each day you’re equipped with a full summary filled with context so you can have deeper clarity as you read through the book of Genesis.

Amazing Stories - God’s Power
5 Days
Amazing Stories is a series of animated videos featuring Bible stories that share God’s redemptive narrative across all Scripture. A short, animated video about God's mighty power tells an Old Testament story for each day of the five-part plan.

Essential Elements: Forging Godly Men
5 Days
What makes a man? This week’s devotional explores what God, not the world, says about authentic manhood, genuine strength, and how we step into God’s purpose for us.

7 Days
We all face challenges and struggles in every day life, but some people seem to be able to overcome them better than others. How do they do it? What has God provided for us to live an overcoming life? Find the principles that lead to a harmonious and peaceful life. (http://thejesusalliance.org/)

Walking In Grace: A 7-day Journey Of Beauty And Truth
7 Days
God's grace makes the impossible possible! This 7-day plan has been written especially for women looking for simplicity, authenticity and beauty in everyday life. Live bravely and passionately for God as you walk in His grace. These devotions were taken from "Walking in Grace" by Dalene Reyburn © Christian Art Publishers.

You Are No Accident
7 Days
We have all at some point, asked the question – what is the purpose of my existence? At other times we have also run from what we know we are called to do. This seven-day reading plan reminds us that God has created each one of us and that not one of us is an accident. It also encourages to seek Him and live out His will each day.

Finding Deep and Lasting Joy in Jesus
7 Days
People try to find joy in many different areas of life; relationships, work, money, etc. However, to find true and lasting joy you need something else: a living relationship with Jesus Christ! Join us for one week to see what the Bible says about finding deep joy in God.

Praying the Psalms
7 Days
Reading and praying the Psalms is a humble pilgrimage. The various authors, including King David, share their innermost thoughts and struggles in their relationships with others and the One True God. They doubt. They ask questions. They marvel. They believe. Don’t we do the same? Ancient writings? Yes. But relevant for each of us today. Each day’s study includes an option to pray through that day’s Psalm with grace-filled intentionality.

Guard Your Heart
7 Days
Our heart is precious. We consider it the source of our emotions, thinking and feeling. Therefore, it is important to protect our hearts from wrong influences. This reading plan helps you discover how to fill your heart with good things and how it can be cleansed from evil by the Lord God.

Embrace of the Humble: 7 Ways to Grow in Your Servitude
7 Days
Humility starts when we serve others, whether we feel like it or not. Let’s be honest, though - sometimes that can be very hard. So how can we embrace humility and serve those in our lives, whether they are easy or hard to serve?

Triumph Over Trouble
8 Days
We would love a stress-free life, but that’s not what happens in this sin-sick world. We all experience trouble and trials, and if we serve Jesus with our whole hearts, we will suffer persecution. So, what about all these troubles that plague us? Jesus told us we would face trouble, so is joy possible in the middle of trouble, and could these troubles be something for which we thank God?

The Issues of Life
8 Days
The heart, spiritual and physical, requires attention. God says you are to guard your heart with all diligence above all else because of all the issues of life that flows from your heart during the course of your life. Start this 8 day heart-walk by Femi Monehin.

Created With Purpose
8 Days
In this devotional series, we will embark on a profound journey through the early chapters of Genesis, exploring God’s magnificent creation, the purpose He instilled in humanity, and the divine promises that shape our lives. Each day, we will delve into a specific aspect of God’s plan, reflecting on its relevance to our daily lives and deepening our relationship with our Creator. Join us as we celebrate being made in God’s image, understand our responsibilities, cherish the sanctity of marriage, and embrace the covenant God has established with us.

You Can Understand the Book of Genesis
10 Days
It's easy to dismiss the book of Genesis without engaging in the text beyond creation and the fall. But understanding the book of Genesis is crucial to understanding the rest of the Bible. In Genesis, we find the very foundation of our faith, not just the origin of man, but also the origin of God's plan for redemption. Creation is just the beginning.

The Shift: Becoming a Woman Who Moves When God Moves
10 Days
We know that God’s Word cannot return void, but how do we ensure that we don’t miss our moment? Through this manifestHERdaily teaching series by BWFwoman, learn to become a woman who moves when God moves. Start your day powerfully and gain hope and belief by refocusing on Christ and meditating on the Word of God.

The Book of Enoch & the Bible
10 Days
The Book of Enoch is a strange and interesting collection of works quoted by Jude in the Bible. Let's explore Enoch's biblical connections and what the New Testament writers thought of it. Hebrews tells us Enoch served God faithfully through the most corrupt time in history, reminding us how to stand firm in a world of turmoil.

Journey to God: A 1-Minute Video Journey Through the Bible
10 Days
Take a visual journey through God's Word! Journey to God is a 1-minute video series that will take you from Genesis to Revelations in 365 segments.

What Is Sin?
12 Days
“Sin” is a key concept in the Bible. Sin is rebellion against God, be it in words, deeds, or desires. It destroys the relationship between God and humans and also has disastrous consequences for people’s relationship with each other and with their natural environment. This reading plan covers some key Bible verses about sin’s origins, its essence, its consequences, and God’s solution for the problem of human sin.

God's Attributes Reflected in Us
19 Days
God created humans “in His image.” This means that in a sense we resemble our Creator. But to what extent is this still true? And to what extent has sin broken this image of God? This reading plan examines various attributes of God and how they are reflected in us.