મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને 1 Samuel 28:11થી સંબંધિત મનન

What Happens After You Die?
3 Days
Can spirits interact with the living? Is there really such a thing as purgatory? Will there be pets in heaven? Popular pastor Randy Frazee offers Biblically-based answers to questions about life and death. Drawn from the book What Happens After You Die: A Biblical Guide to Paradise, Hell, and Life After Death.

If Only We Had a King
5 Days
Do you remember nagging your parents for something until they eventually gave in? How many times did you end up disappointed with the result? The same thing happened to the Israelites when they demanded a king. In this Plan, we will explore why God became so angry at their insistence and whether some of our prayer requests may still offend God in the same way today.

Divine Direction: Discerning the Voice of God in a Data-Driven World
6 Days
To recognize and discern the voice of God while open to so many mediums and channels of communication is one of the modern-day challenges of our spiritual walk with God. Google or God, which one do we seek first? How can we be divinely guided in a world filled with so much data and information? This devotional answers those questions and will help you filter through the noise.

Forgiveness: A Surprising Way Forward
7 Days
Frustrated with family or close friends? Feel like you're the only one doing the right thing? Does anger sometimes get the best of you? Does God feel distant? Forgiveness is probably not your go-to answer. In this 7-day plan by Michael Snuffer, learn how hidden resentment erodes our wellbeing, and unpack surprising truths about biblical forgiveness.

Should I Fear Ghosts and Evil Spirits?
8 Days
Many people around the world celebrate some form of Halloween or holiday that lifts up death, evil, or ghostly spirits. These holidays are filled with mystery, magic, and superstition. Join us as we explore what the Bible says about underlying themes like death and witchcraft.

The Book of Samuel
12 Days
This reading plan will introduce you to the book of Samuel, including why and under what circumstances the book was written and how it applies to Christians today.

Royals Part I: United Kingdom
21 Days
Tales of triumph and tragedy in the books of Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles. The history of Kings of Israel and Judah is a story of divine faithfulness despite human failure. These flawed rulers point us towards the one true faithful king. Part I covers Saul, David, and Solomon, the three kings of the United Kingdom.

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 4
30 Days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Four of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled 'Establishing the Kingdom, 1155 BC–1020 BC'.

1 Samuel - The Coming King
31 Days
1 Samuel charts the rise and fall of several of Israel’s leaders. You’ll meet the notoriously arrogant king Saul and see the ascent of the man after God’s own heart – David. You’ll read of dangerous battles, murder plots, giants and even more surprises in this book. You’ll see that despite turbulence in leadership, seemingly strong enemies and spiritual decay God is very much at work orchestrating the fall of the proud and the rise of the humble. What an encouragement for us today when we are faced with challenges not too dissimilar to these!