મફત વાંચન યોજનાઓ અને 1 John 1:10થી સંબંધિત મનન

Greek Myths And Roman Roads - A Study On Worship
2 Days
Worship is a weekend activity for most believers but as we walk through scripture we'll discover that worship was designed to be so much more than a weekend experience. Imagine what our world would look like if we were to live out a life of worship rather than only singing about it over weekends.

Truth Defined: What is Truth?
3 Days
Do you feel like the truth is ever-changing? Do you often find yourself anxious about knowing what is true and what isn’t? It doesn’t have to be that way! Truth is unchangeable. Truth is always true despite how one feels about it; even if no one believes the truth, it remains true. Get into God’s Word with this three-day devotionals on Truth from Feed. Part 1 of 4.

You Are Not the Judge
3 Days
When you judge someone, you are separating yourself from them. You’re putting a dividing line between you and the person you are judging. You are categorizing that person because they don’t meet “your standard” of how someone should act, dress, talk, etc. But who made you the Judge? Click "Start Plan" and learn to see others how God sees them!

The Wondrous Cross
3 Days
With this 3 day plan we will look at what the cross meant then and what it means today!

Becoming All Things
3 Days
How dedicated is your life? Do you long to see people of every race, nation, and social status receiving heaven’s blessed gift of salvation? Meditate on God's Word during this short three-day devotional, and ask our Lord to make you more spiritually usable for His purposes.

How Can I Make a Difference in the World?
3 Days
Wondering if you can make a difference? Jesus said you are the light of the world, not to be hidden, but to shine brightly for all to see. It’s easy to focus on the darkness and be intimidated by the pressures and challenges of society. This 3 day study will help you to see how your authentic self will make a difference in the world around you.

Freedom From Guilt
4 Days
Do you ever feel trapped by your mistakes? We can become so used to stuffing guilt and hiding shame that our mistakes soon define us. When you feel like you can’t outrun your past, you need to know there’s a God who understands and longs to release you from your personal prison. In this plan, you will learn how to escape guilt and find freedom from shame.

The Purpose of Pain
4 Days
We know that in all things, at all times, God is at work! This 4 day reading plan uses scripture and personal testimonies to highlight how even in the pain, God is fulfilling His purpose.

Acts of Repentance
5 Days
Repentance is one of the key actions we all take in coming to know Christ as our personal Savior. Repentance is our action and forgiveness is God's reaction to us out of His perfect love for us. During this 5-day reading plan, you will receive a daily Bible reading and a brief devotional designed to help you better understand the importance of repentance in our walk with Christ. For more content, check out www.finds.life.church

Enemies Of The Heart
5 Days
Just as a physically unhealthy heart can destroy your body, an emotionally and spiritually unhealthy heart can destroy you and your relationships. For the next five days, let Andy Stanley help you look within yourself for four common enemies of the heart — guilt, anger, greed, and jealousy — and teach you how to remove them.

Standing Tall In A Falling World By Angelique du Toit
5 Days
This 5-day reading plan on living with purpose will encourage readers to develop their God-given talents, to shine a light in a fallen world and to walk closer to God every day. Each day features thoughts on a specific theme (such as purpose, trust, inner healing and hope) and ends with a Scripture verse. The content for this reading plan is based on Angelique du Toit’s "Standing Tall in a Falling World".

Living Like Jesus
5 Days
If we want to share Jesus with others, we’ve got to live like Him, love like Him, and listen like Him. In this 5-day Plan, we’ll take a closer look at the life of Jesus to discover how we should live our lives.

Freedom From Sin
5 Days
Everyone makes mistakes. But most people don’t like to call their mistakes “sins,” even though that’s what they are. In this Plan, we’ll learn what sin is, why we do it, and how we can choose to live differently. We can stand on the hope that no matter what we’ve done in our lives, there is no sin we can commit that God won’t forgive.

Be Free From Pornography
5 Days
God wants to set you free from pornography addiction. When I was addicted to pornography, and at the lowest point in my life, Jesus showed me the true power of what He did on the cross. His grace and love set me free. Be encouraged by my story, and find freedom from pornography today.

The Lord's Prayer Explained
5 Days
The Lord’s prayer is not a magic mantra Christians should repeat mindlessly. It is a treasure that Christ left His disciples to teach us how to pray. The Lord’s prayer is a model prayer that is born out of faith in omniscience, omnipotence, and goodness of our Heavenly Father. This devotional explores truths hidden in the Lord’s prayer that can help each believer grow stronger in their relationship with God.

Real Hope: A Study of 1 John
5 Days
In this plan we will undertake a study of the book of 1 John, in the New Testament. The book of 1 John is the first of three books, written by John the elder to house church believers. The book of 1 John encourages believers to remember that God is light and love and therefore to live lives that reflect that light and love with one another and the world.

Christian Foundations 1 - Identity
5 Days
Identity is the first in a series of studies that helps you establish a strong biblical foundation as a follower of Jesus. It explores how you are freely saved, graciously adopted, eternally loved, wonderfully designed and continually forgiven. This is your identity as a child of God. You'd better believe it.

Jesus, Our Risen Savior: An Easter Family Devotional
5 Days
How is your family preparing for Easter? Through this short and sweet devotional (especially helpful if you’re teaching little ones with short attention spans), Scott James brings to light the many things that Christ’s life and resurrection means for us not only through the season of Lent, but all year long.

Resting in the Love of Jesus: A 5-Day Lent Devotional by Asheritah Ciuciu
5 Days
Lent is a time of solemn reflection and remembering how desperately we need Jesus. As we consider His love, Asheritah Ciuciu walks us through 5 days of slowing down and resting in the never-ending, ever-present, steady love of Jesus.

I Believe in God, but Christians Are So Intolerant
5 Days
Gallup poll researchers recently asked Americans, “Do you believe in God?” and 87% of the people in our country said yes. But, after settling that big question, the devil is in the details. To be fair, we all have our issues when it comes to faith. We would love for you to join us as we explore some of the most common doubts about Christianity.

God Is Love: A Study in 1 John
5 Days
1 John is one of three letters written by John the Beloved, the same author as the Gospel of John and Revelation. Written as a response to false teaching in the church, John reminds his readers that just as God is both love and light, true believers are to show love and light to the world.

John’s Letters: Living in the Light of God’s Love
5 Days
Decades after Jesus’s death and resurrection, the apostle John wrote three letters to believers experiencing trouble within their church. With the wisdom of age and the authority of experience, John writes to comfort and encourage the flock of God. Let’s turn to these special letters to experience that comfort and encouragement even today.

Ignited: Getting and Staying on Fire for God
5 Days
Have you ever left a Sunday service or ministry event totally sold out for God only to have the feeling fizzle a few days later? Learn how to stay on fire for God without the emotional high and overcome the obstacles that keep you from living the purpose for which God created you. This plan is adapted from the book Ignited.

We May Not Realize...
5 Days
While there are many divine mysteries this side of eternity no man will ever understand, there are many other basic truths found throughout Scripture which are fairly straightforward and easy to grasp - we just may not realize it. This 5-day devotional will explore - in easy to understand language - the nature of our sinfulness, how loved we truly are, and how very easy it is to receive salvation.