We Are His People; He Is Our GodEsimerkki

We Are His People; He Is Our God

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Read John 15:1-8

You are an extension of Christ.

John 15:1-8 expands on the nature of our relationship with God, expressing that we are gifted with an intimate connection with him.

Just as the branch of a vine receives life and nourishment from the vine, John reveals that Jesus is our life source. When branches break off of a tree, they die. The only way that a branch can thrive is through its connection to its parent plant; similarly, the only way that we can receive life is through our connection to Jesus. Without Jesus, we will wither away because life does not originate in us; it is imparted to us, flowing through Jesus into us.

The relationship between a vine and its branches not only involves the tree sustaining the branches; it also involves the branches extending the tree out into the world through the production of fruit. As branches of Christ, we are alive in Christ, and we are empowered by him to reach out into the world and drop the fruit of Christ’s work and the seeds of his word into barren places.

The image of being a branch of Christ demonstrates that we are sustained by Jesus to be world changers, transforming dust and dirt into a divine garden!

When you bear the fruits of the spirit, it is a sign that Christ has extended his very life to you, as well as the power to restore and expand the garden of Eden and reverse the curse of sin. Your connection to Christ is a gift not only to you but also to everyone in your environment because, as a Christian, the power and characteristics of Jesus flow through you out into the place where God has planted you.

If you find yourself feeling lonely or powerless, I challenge you to turn to this passage and remember that in Christ, you have complete connection, and when you are working for Christ, you have great power. You are transformed to transform!


  • A branch can't produce fruit by its own power but only through its connection to a vine or tree. Your connection to Christ is the source of your transforming power. How can you nourish your connection with Christ? How might spending time with Jesus bless those around you?
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We Are His People; He Is Our God

God wants to be in relationship with you, and he has revealed many word pictures which describe the designs for his desired relationship! Delve into this plan and learn what it really means to be a child, friend, spouse, servant, and follower of God.
