You Said Yes: How Do I Start My New Life With Jesus?Esimerkki

You Said Yes: How Do I Start My New Life With Jesus?

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How Do I Stop Doing What’s Bad For Me?

Do you ever want to do something even though you know it’s wrong?

For three years, everything about Jesus’ life was uncomfortable. He shared uncomfortable truths with people in power, endured daily attacks from His critics, and regularly heard about plots to kill Him. But early in His story, He received an offer to skip past all the suffering and take an easier route.

For 40 days, Jesus spent time alone in the desert without food. While He was vulnerable, the devil offered Him an easy way to escape suffering.

We’re tempted when we’re offered a shortcut to something we want. Feeling tempted isn’t a sin. But giving in to temptation can compromise our integrity and lead to a painful cycle of poor choices. How do we overcome temptation? By looking to Jesus.

Jesus’ spiritual practices helped Him overcome temptation.

Jesus knew the Bible, and He also knew His purpose—and how living it out would include making hard, uncomfortable choices for the good of others. Only by making those choices could He change the world. No easy way out and no shortcuts.

In other words, Jesus knew who He was and whose He was. So He refused to compromise His identity and calling for momentary pleasure or relief.

We face temptations every day, both big and small, that can distract us from who we’re becoming. Here’s the good news: God wants to help you overcome temptation.

Read what one Jesus follower had to say about temptation.

No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
1 Corinthians 10:13 NIV

Let’s be like Jesus and prepare for temptation before it strikes. We do this by studying, believing, and living out God’s truths in the Bible, asking God for help through prayer, sharing vulnerably with others, and looking for the opportunities God provides to escape temptation.

Sometimes the opportunity God provides can look like joining a recovery group, talking with a healthcare professional, or meeting with a pastor to discover the tools you need to find freedom.

Pray with your own words, or try these:

Dear God, thank You for always offering me another chance. Help me to recognize and resist temptation when it comes. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Päivä 12Päivä 14

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You Said Yes: How Do I Start My New Life With Jesus?

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