True IdentityEsimerkki

True Identity

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Paul pivots in this fascinating little section of Ephesians to remind everyone in his audience that no matter who they are (Gentile or Jew), there is no longer any barrier dividing them. Literally! In Jerusalem, only Jewish visitors to the Temple could enter the inner courtyard. There was literally a wall or railing that kept Gentiles confined to an outer area. However, through the work of Jesus, that barrier is destroyed, and Jew and Gentile are now one, both members of the Church, the body of Christ.

Christ came to kill the hostility that separated men and women from God and one another. Christ came to reconcile, restore, and bring peace.

Ask Yourself:

-Where is there hostility in my relationships with other people?

-Do I sense any barrier in my relationship with God?

-Am I hostile toward myself in any way? Do past hurts mar my self-perception?

-How have these hostilities led me to develop a horizontal rather than a vertical self?

Pause to Pray: Thank you, Jesus, for bringing peace and ending hostility. You made a way to be in a relationship with God and with one another. Remove any shame, anger, or pride from my heart so that I might live in peace and share your peace with others… Amen.

Take a Next Step: What is one thing you can do to begin removing a barrier between yourself and someone in your life?

*Note: Healthy boundaries are important, especially if you have experienced codependency or suffered from abuse of any kind. Professional and/or pastoral counseling is the best next step when you are dealing with unhealthy relationships.

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True Identity

Who are you? Explore God’s word in Ephesians 1-2 and discover how your authentic self, your true identity, has been stolen by labels and the broken systems of the world around you. Dig beneath the surface of some prevailing identity markers to discover God’s truth for who you are and how you are called to live in and out of that truth.
