Shouts of GraceEsimerkki

Shouts of Grace

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Grace for Your Calling

I love how in 1 Timothy 1:12, Paul is preparing the heart and mind of Timothy for the call that was placed on Timothy’s life. In the natural, this job was too big. Timothy was too young and did not have the experience. But here Paul is telling him in effect, “Before we get into what God has called you to, Timothy, and you start to struggle with the weight of this call and you start to see this job as too big for you, I need you to know that in the natural, the call on my life is too big for me too. If it wasn’t for His strength, His ability, His grace on my life, I would not be able to do it, nor was I deserving.”

Let’s start off with understanding that if we have received Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we are called. This goes back to the Great Commission. We are all called to be full-time ministers. And if we are called, then He has considered us faithful. We can all look back at our past lives and make up excuses on why we cannot be used by God. When I think about myself -- former drug addict, been to jail, battles with anger and depression -- I did a really good job of messing up my life. However, He considered me faithful and put me into service. It wasn’t because I was deserving. It was because of His mercy that He considered me.

So now that we know we are put into service, we need to realize that we are never placed into service without being equipped for the battle that’s ahead. God is telling us, “Hey, I have called you, and now with My grace, I have equipped you. And the grace I equipped you with is more than abundant to get the job done.” Remember, grace is His power in us, to do what His word demands of us. It’s His ability to get the job done on our behalf when we can’t do it. And we activate His grace with faith and love, which again are found in Christ. When we are doing what He said, we can know that His grace is sufficient to get the job done. All we have to do is trust Him and keep on keeping on.

In the book of Judges chapter 6, Gideon was told how he was going to be used by God to save Israel out of Midian’s hand. And his response was, “My clan is the weakest, and not only that, I am the least in my family.” So, what did the Lord answer? “I will be with you…” And in chapter 7, “Just for fun, your army will only be 300 men.”

What we have to remember, is that it is never about our ability, but it’s all about our obedience. When we are obedient, when we are in faith, when we are operating in love, His grace is activated.

Is there something God has asked you to do that you have not done because you didn’t think you had the ability to do it? Today, take the first step in faith, in love, and in obedience to do what God has asked you to do. Spend some time with God in repentance and move forward with what He has charged you to do.

- Pastor Bryan Schultze

Journal Directions

  1. List the assignments God has been placing on your heart that have seemed too big or that you have yet to start.
  2. Spend time with God and come up with practical things you can do to begin to move forward with the assignments He has given you. Write them down.
  3. Make a timeline of when to move forward with these assignments from God and keep yourself accountable.
  4. Follow Peter's example in Matthew 14:28-29 and step out of the boat.