From Self-Loathing to AcceptanceEsimerkki

From Self-Loathing to Acceptance

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After this experience of walking with Jesus and affirming our voice, the outward miracle happens: the blind man regains the sight he once had, and by hearing his own voice, he can also see himself with the eyes of Jesus. He wasn't healed in exchange for something, and he doesn't need to go to the village to make Jesus more famous; he can go back home where his family is waiting for him. Whoever returns to being the person they were meant to be can deal with self-loathing and look beyond the labels of the past. He is left with only one truth: I am loved, and I have been restored.

Two gifts are worth reflecting on God's work in our lives. Jesus specializes in complete restoration. Perhaps we need patience as He works in areas that we were not aware we needed to heal. Sometimes, we ask to blossom, and He prunes us. The other gift is that Jesus doesn't want to be famous for his miracles; he wants to be significant because of his relationships. Crowds can impress anyone; but not Jesus. He knew that one day they could hail him as the new king and the next week shout, "Crucify him.“

As we heal from self-loathing, we start to recognize our own value and feel the personal love of God. Crowds no longer define us, social networks lose power, we can go home to be who we were meant to be. I believe that Jesus would prefer a thousand times that we connect deeply with Him and with our fellow human beings before we become famous for the show in the Village. He can teach us to distinguish between what transforms and what is just a firework.

Let us pray: Father, help me look at myself with your eyes and maintain expectations in the restoration process even if it does not follow the pace, speed, or expectations I planned. I believe in my heart that You are good, that You care deeply for me, and that You desire my well-being. Thank You for Your invincible goodness that never tires; thank you for helping me see myself more clearly by seeing myself in You.

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From Self-Loathing to Acceptance

Join me as we explore one of the strangest miracles performed by Jesus when he walked with us. We'll be with the blind man from Bethsaida. His wound was deeper than just blindness and is a common issue today. Jesus shows us the redemptive way out of self-loathing and leads us back to who we always were meant to be for God.
