Love Has A Name Devotional By Jesus CultureEsimerkki

Love Has A Name Devotional By Jesus Culture

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Flood The Earth – Katie Torwalt

Matthew 21:10

The words of God are living and active, and they create worlds around us and in us. The earth and all living things were spoken into existence from the mouth of God, and everything He declared stands true today. As John wrote in the first chapter of his gospel, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth” Throughout our lives, when we think or wonder about the will of God, we have the amazing privilege of opening up the gospels, and looking at life of Jesus. When Jesus came to a city, the Bible says in Matthew 21:10 “the whole city stirred and asked “who is this?” His presence there was felt immediately and even the physical circumstances of those living there were shifted. In Luke 5, Jesus is speaking inside of someone’s home, and it was so crowded that no one else could fit. A man who was unable to move his body was lowered down through a roof by a group of his friends and was instantly healed through Jesus’s words. That man walked out healed and set free after he was with Jesus.

The same thing happened everywhere Jesus went, like the man of the Gadarenes who was instantly set free after years of being tormented and possessed by demons, or the man who was born blind and Jesus spit in the mud and placed it on his eyes and when he washed it off he could instantly see. Everyone who came to Jesus needing a touch, left changed!

Now, we as Christians who are filled with the Holy Spirit get to partner with God. We get to read His word, and hear his voice, pray and declare over the circumstances around us that we know don’t line up with the heart or word of God. We know that where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, and we get be the ones to deliver that incredible news to the world around us. As we read through the gospels, let’s remind ourselves of the incredible miracle working God we serve and pray for more freedom to come into our lives and the lives of people around us.

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