Everyday Disciple 5 - Striving to MultiplyEsimerkki

Everyday Disciple 5 - Striving to Multiply

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Powerful Witnesses


Read Acts 1:6-8


Jesus’ disciples were attracted by the hope of an earthly Jewish kingdom. They wondered whether the departure of Jesus and the coming of the Spirit would be catalysts for the establishment of this new Jewish kingdom in which they would have significant roles. This was very attractive to the disciples, and they wanted to know if their moment had arrived.

But Jesus had much bigger plans for His Kingdom. It was going to engulf all nations “to the ends of the earth.” These Jewish boys who had travelled no further than where they could walk probably had no idea what the ends of the earth meant, but Jesus did. His kingdom would be worldwide - accessed by every people group on earth.

This kingdom would not spread through military might or charismatic leadership but through “witnesses” - ordinary people sharing their experience of the grace of God revealed in Jesus. Witnessing remains Jesus’ method of growing His Kingdom. He is building a Kingdom of huge influence both now and forever, and it is spreading through the witness of ordinary people like you and me. Of course, the early disciples couldn’t do this by themselves, and neither can we. We can’t change the lives of our family and friends, let alone people in other ethnic groups. But with God’s Spirit, we become incredibly powerful witnesses and Kingdom builders.


I must admit, I feel pretty ordinary when it comes to sharing my faith. But then, so were Your disciples and look how You used them. Please empower my witness Jesus. May the simple things I say about You be enlivened by Your Spirit so that they touch the hearts of the people around me. You can work and have worked in great power through everyday witnesses. Please use me.

Today’s Bible Focus

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”

LUNCHTIME (or when you can make a moment during the day)

1. Meditate for a short time on today’s Bible Focus. Let it seep into your heart.

2. Look and see what is happening around you from God’s perspective and listen to see whether God is whispering anything to you.

3. Pray for any not-yet Christians God has placed on your heart.


1. Remember: Repeat today’s Bible Focus.

2. Reflect: Reflect on the day and thank God for what He has said and done.

3. Repent: Check where you have neglected or disobeyed God during the day and ask for forgiveness and freedom.

4. Release: Name any concerns or fears on your mind and release them to Jesus.

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Everyday Disciple 5 - Striving to Multiply

Everyday disciples of Jesus have been commissioned. They are on a mission to multiply disciples of Jesus. They are committed to growing God’s kingdom by sharing the good news about Jesus and discipling those who respond. This Plan explores the urgency of our mission and the opportunity we have to reap the harvest that God has planned.
