Understanding the Power of the Communion TableEsimerkki

Understanding the Power of the Communion Table

PÄIVÄ 17 / 31


Every time you take Communion, you are proclaiming that Jesus has died for you, so you cannot die. Two people cannot be punished for the same offence in any system of justice.

Offences pave the way for sickness to get into the body through ancestral flows, ancestral sickness, or a breach of natural law. However, irrespective of the offence that gave any sickness a right to your body, the moment you got born again, what Christ did by suffering and taking the punishment for that offence is transferred into your account. That sickness has no legal right in your life. Hence, when you take the Communion, you are serving a quit notice to that sickness.

All my biological son needs to get anything I have is to ask. Sometimes I tell him, “Well, I'm not giving it to you now because I'm still using it, but you can be sure it's yours; just pray that it doesn’t get spoilt.” Then he prays, “Lord, give Daddy another one”. Once I get another one, he claims the previous one. The blood of Jesus gives you access to everything that God has. If you see the name of God on it, you can claim it. The Bible says you are a joint heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17), but do you know what a joint heir is? A joint heir is an equal shareholder. It’s neither 40:60 nor 50:50; it is 100:100.

PRAYER: Lord, I refute every sickness the devil is imposing upon my life. Christ has paid for my liberty, and I walk in it, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Päivä 16Päivä 18

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