Bounce BackEsimerkki

Bounce Back

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Focus on yourself before the next big idea.

Before you go again, you need to be healthy on the inside. If this past failure took you out for a season, you don’t want your next to take you out for longer.

I find that it helps to filter things through mind, soul, heart, and strength. This is what Jesus says we need fully operational in order to love God in the greatest commandment, so it’s a good starting point.

In your failure, did your mind go to dark places? Experience negative thoughts? Did your inner voice shout louder than scripture? Did your heart break? Was it damaged by others? How’s your soul doing? Did your relational connection to God become estranged? Where were you getting your strength from?

These are all good questions to ask and work through so you can safeguard yourself moving forward.

For me, there was an inner voice that needed to be silenced. One that kept telling me I was a failure and there was no room for me to grow. That I made up my gifting and had an over-inflated view of my potential.

My inner voice was wrong.

There is an abundance of space available to us in the presence of God. He is a generous father who gives good gifts to His children, and we’re told in scripture to seek them, nurture them, and be generous with them. Our potential is in the hands of God alone who has plans and purposes for our future.

Do you have an inner voice that needs to be silenced or a heart that needs to heal?

Before you can dream about the next big idea, you need to put the work in to become healthy. Today’s passages look at scriptures on heart, soul, mind, and strength. Take the time to mend what was broken or bruised in this past season so when you are ready to dream again, you are healthy on the inside.

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