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Beyond MeEsimerkki

Beyond Me

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True Significance

God's favor comes upon those who take up the towel of service and live beyond themselves. In John 13:17, Jesus made a blanket, across-the-board, no-exceptions promise that those who understand and follow His example in serving others receive God's blessing.

The Apostle Paul echoed that promise in Galatians 6 saying, “let us not grow weary while doing good…” If we stay enthused in serving others, we receive God's blessings in return. Do you believe that? Do you believe it enough to reorder the value system of your life around the principles found in these verses? Is the fulfillment and satisfaction you seek achieved by chasing after the world’s materialism and applause, or through doing good for someone else?

The blessing of achieving true significance—and happiness—comes through serving others with a pure heart. If you want to be blessed and fulfilled in life, act on the promises of God, and seize every opportunity you have to do good. The world awaits your service!

As you engage with God’s word:

● What is God saying to you?

● What does it mean to you?

● What action step do you need to take?

After you reflect on these questions, bring everything to God in prayer.

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