Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 6Esimerkki

Faith & Love: A One Year Bible Reading Plan - Part 6

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'The following night, the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Acts 23:11 NIV

Acts chapter 23 tells the story of the apostle Paul appearing before the Sanhedrin, the Jewish council, to defend himself against false accusations. Paul speaks with confidence and conviction, declaring that he has lived his life with a clear conscience before God.

This chapter shows us the importance of faith in God, even in difficult circumstances. Paul could have easily been intimidated by the powerful council, but instead, he boldly proclaimed the truth and relied on God to protect him.

Faith is not just believing in God but also trusting in His plans for our lives. We may face insurmountable challenges and trials, but when we have faith in God, we know He will see us through.

"Paul replied, 'Brothers, I did not realize that he was the high priest; for it is written: "Do not speak evil about the ruler of your people."'” Acts 23:5 NIV

Additionally, Acts chapter 23 shows us the power of love. As Paul speaks before the Sanhedrin, he gets into a heated argument with the high priest. When he realizes that the man is the high priest, Paul apologizes, even though he speaks the truth. This shows us that love should be at the forefront of all our interactions, even when we disagree with others. We are sent as lambs amongst wolves! We are called to love one another – and even our enemies - as God has loved us. This means putting aside our pride and our desire to be right and instead showing grace and compassion towards others. Nowadays, it has become the norm to attack public figures personally when they disappoint us instead of addressing the issue. To use the axiom from the sports world – we play the man…and not the ball. That should not be so amongst people driven by love.

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