The Politically Incorrect Jesus Esimerkki

The Politically Incorrect Jesus

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A Vagrant Faith

“This (earth) is not my home; I’m just passing through.” How many times have you heard someone say that? Sometimes we casually (and maybe a little too snobbishly) use that phrase to communicate our reluctance to identify with the world or worldly practices—to stand apart and in contrast to what’s going on in society all around us.

The problem with standing apart from someone is that you never have a chance to stand with them.

Representing Christ will often take us in opposite directions of where our culture is headed. But that does not mean separation from people. To the contrary, the opposite direction is not about geography, but about bringing a lifestyle and a love that is worlds apart from culture.

Christ offers everyone a new lifestyle to live that I call the vagrant faith. In this economy of the kingdom of God, no one is greater because he gives, and no one is lesser because he receives. The world needs to see that. And to see that in Christ, I have everything I need, yet own nothing.

Jesus is talking about a new form of personal economy. It is not the money we have that makes one rich or poor. Rather, one’s richness is the degree to which one wants to conform to Jesus, and to understand that all they have is not theirs, but God’s.

The incarnation of Christ was not just to save people, but to exhibit a walking, breathing, working model of God’s kingdom.

Poverty of the spirit is what really keeps people enslaved. Being poor materially may keep one less comfortable, but not necessarily less joyful or content.

So, may the vagrant faith spirit of having everything, and owning nothing, be your lifestyle. When you find that, you find your true identity in Christ.

Now, that’s something I can buy into. And I can buy it at no charge. Such a deal.

Question: What are you trying to hang on to that Jesus wants you to let go of, and turn it over to him for safekeeping?

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The Politically Incorrect Jesus

Much of what Jesus taught and stood for clashes with popular politically correct notions that want to redefine and reinterpret the person and teachings of Jesus—and ultimately the Christian faith—so that neither step on anyone’s sensitivities. Jesus, however, calls us to be salt and light, not chameleons. If we are Christ’s representatives, changing colors may allow us to blend in, but it will be at the expense of our integrity and Jesus’ admonition for us to follow his words, which are life. We need to grasp hold of a faith that is THE center of our lives and meets us in the trenches of life. That faith acts as a filter for what we experience daily—in media, entertainment, politics, relationships, and yes, even in the church. The Politically Incorrect Jesus addresses issues and ideologies in our current cultural climate, juxtaposed with the clear teachings of Jesus, so readers can embrace being who God designed them to be—men and women of counterculture faith, making a difference in a counterfeit world.
