Discover Your Role In God's MissionEsimerkki

Discover Your Role In God's Mission

PÄIVÄ 7 / 7

"Finishing the Task"

God desires for everyone to be saved. He wants everyone to have a chance to know about the grace found only in Jesus.

There are nearly 16,000 different people groups within the world today. Six thousand of these people groups are still unreached, and many of them have not even been engaged with Gospel workers yet.

There is much work yet to be done, and God has created you on purpose and for a purpose in His mission of redemption. As you read the final day’s verses, please be in prayer and praise for the ultimate victory that is found through Jesus. Praise the Lord for the final reality that we see in His Word of people from every tribe, tongue, and nation gathered around God’s throne.

May we all do all we can, and may we finish the task.
Päivä 6