Attacking AnxietyEsimerkki

Attacking Anxiety

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Satan doesn’t create anything on his own. All he ever does is try to twist the things that God has made into something negative.

Think about fear. . . . In its original state, fear isn’t a bad thing. It’s a healthy emotion that keeps us safe and on our toes, and at times, it helps us perform our best. The problem is, Satan loves to try to twist God’s gifts to make them feel like curses.

Sadness is another example. When you lose something or someone you love, it’s necessary to feel sad. That sadness is a sign that we actually care. That we actually love. But when the Enemy twists sadness into depression, it feels like the sadness switch is broken and doom is inevitable.

That’s how Satan works. Every day he is on a horrible mission to twist God’s gifts into something he hopes will destroy you. He wants God-given emotions to become deep, debilitating, unhealthy anxiety and depression that steal our ability to walk in God’s calling on our lives. . . .

We are broken people living in a broken world, and every now and then, we might have to fight to experience the very freedom that Christ has already provided us with.

But the good news is we can fight back.

We can be victorious. We can overcome. We can conquer things like anxiety and depression. We can experience freedom on levels that we may have never thought possible.


Because greater is he who is within me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). The power and the presence of Jesus Christ working in and through our lives is greater than anything Satan can do. He may want to use anxiety and depression to steal, kill, or destroy us, but when we stand up and fight—when we decide to attack back—he always loses. He can’t take our peace. He can’t steal our joy. He can’t destroy our purpose.

Those things are rightfully ours.

We just have to be willing to fight for them.


Father, I know your love is greater than anything the enemy can throw at me. Today, please give me the courage to remember that truth no matter what comes my way. Amen.

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