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Smart Money Smart Kids - Raising Money-Smart KidsEsimerkki

Smart Money Smart Kids - Raising Money-Smart Kids

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Day 10: More Is Caught Than Taught (Contentment)

"A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children." (Proverbs 13:22 NKJV)

When my brother Daniel turned 16, he had managed to save $12,000 toward a car. And since Mom and Dad promised to match whatever we had saved, he actually had $24,000 for a car.

Yeah, they forgot to put a cap on it.

Of course, Dad would never let a 16-year-old boy buy a $24,000 car, but it didn't matter. Daniel wanted a $14,000 used Jeep, which left him with $10,000 in savings.

But not long after that, a massive earthquake hit the nation of Peru. Daniel had been to Peru on a mission trip a year earlier, and it had changed his life. So the more he thought about the tragedy, the more he felt like he needed to do something. He wanted to donate his $10,000 to Peru's disaster relief.

As he talked with Daniel, Dad wanted to make sure he understood what he was asking to do, but Daniel stood firm. Then he hit Dad with a line that left no doubt: "It's really not my money anyway. It's God's money. That's what you've always taught us."

Yep, more is caught than taught. Daniel has always had a tender heart for people in need. But he also has seen my parents model compassion and generosity throughout his life.

The Bible tells us that wise parents leave a valuable legacy to their kids and their kids' kids. Proverbs 13:22 calls it "an inheritance," but it's not just about money. It's also the power of an example that changes a family tree for generations.

Mom and Dad weren't trying to teach us lessons at every turn. Usually they were just trying to pay bills and do the right thing every chance they got. But we watched them and we learned from what we saw.

Over the last few days, we've looked at some great parenting principles related to money. I've let you in on some snapshots of my life, snapshots where my parents helped me become the person I am today.

But every principle rests in the truth that your example is the most powerful example your kids can see. Remember, more is caught than taught.


Learn how to encourage your children with an attitude of contentment, humility and gratitude with the Smart Money Smart Kids class.

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