Ruth a Woman of CharacterEsimerkki

Ruth a Woman of Character

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Taking Action

If Ruth’s story ended in Chapter 1, we might say, “Wow, what an incredible and surprising choice she made,” when she and Naomi rode off into the sunset to return to Naomi’s native land. But Chapter 1 was just the beginning of Ruth’s story.

Ruth did not know what lay ahead for her and her mother-in-law, but she did not sit back and lament the difficulties that had brought them to this point. She did not complain about the situation or try to blame someone for what had happened. Time spent complaining, blaming, or demanding things from others is time wasted. Instead of doing such things, Ruth asked herself an important question, one we all ought to consider. She asked herself, “What can I do?”

Ruth exercised self-governance or self-control. She was not a victim to her circumstances; she was a person who chose to influence and act upon her circumstances. How did she do this?

In Israel, those harvesting the crops left the corners and scraps for the poor, following the commands God had given long ago (Leviticus 19:9, 23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19–21). Seeing her opportunity, Ruth asked Naomi for permission to go to the fields to pick grain. Naomi gave her permission, but she did not come along with Ruth. Perhaps she was too frail to do such work. Whatever the case was, going alone did not deter Ruth. She did what she could. She took the most humble of stations, gleaning behind the harvesters, and worked hard. Her labor did not go unnoticed.

One of the owners of the fields, Boaz, saw Ruth. He helped her. Ruth found favor with Boaz, and it changed her life forever. He later praised her as a woman of noble character.

Like Ruth, we have one life to steward. One life to live to the fullest. Nothing and nobody will steward our journey for us. What we do with our opportunities, the choices we make, are ours alone. Ruth chose to trust Naomi, a woman of character. Ruth demonstrated her excellent character by taking the initiative to change her circumstances. Her small choices of good stewardship turned into great blessings. We can do the same. Even under challenging circumstances, we can ask ourselves, “What can I do?” We can take the initiative, with humility, to make the most of the opportunities before us.


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Ruth a Woman of Character

This series of four devotionals is centered on the life of Ruth. Ruth is one of the most extraordinary characters in all of Scripture. Her example of self-governance and stewardship shows us the way of love, the key to living well, and the impact our choices can make.
