The Generous Entrepreneur: A 3-Day Devotional on Serving Others With Joy and GenerosityEsimerkki

The Generous Entrepreneur: A 3-Day Devotional on Serving Others With Joy and Generosity

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Resources are scarce.

I think we all feel that to some extent. Each day, I’m keenly aware that I only have a limited supply of energy, money, knowledge, and time. Thus, as a business owner, I’m tempted to hold and hoard these resources closely because once they are gone . . . they are gone, never to return again.

Or are they?

Living in this fallen world, our natural tendency is to believe that being tight-fisted with our limited resources is the quickest way to make sure we never run out.

We easily believe the lie that if someone else takes one piece of the pie, there’s one fewer for us, as if God can only create one pie, and that’s all there ever will be.

Thankfully, we have a God who doesn’t need men to serve him, to grovel, or to make sacrifices hoping he will bless the works of their hands.

Check out this brief description of our God from Psalm 36:5 (MSG): “God’s love is meteoric, his loyalty astronomic, his purpose titanic, his verdicts oceanic.”

He is so full, so vast that all that he is and has generously overflows on you, on me, and on his whole creation.

Our vast and generous God didn’t just create once and decide he was done creating. For his children, his lavish supply never ends.

 So, in faith, he calls us to over-give, to be generous to others, living out our belief that God always has more when . . . 

· Working with a client . . . give what was promised and then give a little bit more

· In conversation . . . lavish our full attention and then offer a few extra minutes

· Providing a product . . . under-promise and over-deliver

· Performing a service . . . and then going the extra mile

In Luke 6:38, God tells us that when we, in faith, generously empty our hands, something amazing happens: “Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.”

God has been scandalously generous with you and me. Let’s pray today and every day that he will give us the faith to do the same with everyone we meet.

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The Generous Entrepreneur: A 3-Day Devotional on Serving Others With Joy and Generosity

Resources are scarce. Each day, I’m keenly aware that I only have a limited supply of energy, money, knowledge, and time. Thus, as a business owner, I’m tempted to hold and hoard these resources closely because once they are gone . . . they are gone, never to return again. Or are they? In this devotional we will discuss how we can invite God into our entrepreneurial journey through generosity.
